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SD-1 Symmetrical Gain Upgrade Kits


Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

Works With Both Regular SD-1 & SD-808 SD-1 Mods!
This kit allows users of my regular SD-1 and SD-808 Mod Kits to upgrade to a Symmetrical Clipping Circuit. Notice: This Symmetrical Gain Upgrade kit may be used on any stock or modded SD-1. With this kit you can switch between Symmetrical (Ibanez) and Asymmetrical (Boss) clipping. Symmetrical clipping is a little smoother and has a little less bite than the Boss Asymmetrical clipping. It’s a nice option to have on any SD-1.

With this Kit you will receive one 1N4002 Diode, one Toggle Switch, 24 Ga. Wire and Heat Shrink Tubing. Very easy to follow illustrated instructions are sent VIA e-mail attachment along with paper instructions sent with the parts.

Hear For Yourself! (.mp3)

SD-1 Switch Sound Sample – This mp3 was recorded on a Strat with Fender SCN Pickups. Switches were set to Symmetrical Gain and The Stock Lower Gain Side of the switches The SD-1 is set to 10 O’clock on both the Volume and Tone and the Gain is set to 9 O’clock. The amp was a stock 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and the mic was a SM57. My Opto CS3 mod is used in front of the SD-1 to fatten it up a bit.



SD-1 Symmetrical Gain Upgrade Kits
Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+