Boss BD-2

IMPORTANT — Boss has started using surface-mount components on some of their new pedals. I’ve created a page to help you determine if your pedal can be modded. Read about it here.

Which Boss BD-2 Mod is for You?

Regular BD-2 Mod – Hi and thanx for the interest in my mods. My regular BD-2 mod was my first mod for the BD-2.  It is not quite as transparent as my H2O or Blues Stack Plus mods. It has a slight mid hump and the gain has a little more of a fuzz-type quality as you push the gain up.  If you’re looking for a fuzz-type overdrive then this might be the mod for you.  The lower gain settings are where this mod really shines. If you’re a Tele player you will love the bloom of the attack at lower gain settings when combined with a compressor. This is where this mod’s strength lies. The mp3s I have listed with this mod are very representative of the mod.

H2O & H2O Plus Mod – is a very transparent pedal after the mod. There’s no mid hump and it functions great as a transparent boost to place in front of an already overdriven amp or in front of another dirt pedal. The Stacked NE5532s get rid of the nasty splaty decay in the gain structure of the stock BD-2. The NE5532s also warm up the pedal and add a very natural sounding overdrive.  All the ear-piercing highs are removed and replaced with silky smooth tones.  This is one of my best selling mods I sell today.

BD-2 Blues Stack Plus Mod – is the newest addition to my BD-2 mod arsenal.  This mod is different from my H2O mod in that I have built the mod around the Dual Stacked NE5532s.  Taking nothing away from the H2O, the H2O is a top selling mod for us.  I just felt that because of the very unique qualities of the Dual Stacked NE5532s that it would be great to build a mod around them. The stacked NE5532s is the only mod offered by anyone that finally solves the nasty splaty gain decay issue that plagues a stock BD-2.  I have also removed the fuzz-type gain the BD-2 gives you when the gain knob is dialed up.  And I am the only modder that sells the Dual Stack Adapter this mod uses. The Dual Stack Adapter was a design I came up with and is made exclusively for me. You cannot buy this adapter anywhere else but at my site.

The BD-2 Blues Stack Plus Mod is designed with Blues, Gospel, New Country and Classic Rock players in mind. If you’re looking for Hendrix, SRV, Rascal Flats, Led Zeppelin or any of the Classic Rock and Blues tones look no further. The Blues Stack Plus delivers those tones to you and it does it with one of the warmest, most musical, natural sounding Overdrives you’ve ever heard. The gain is warm and natural with excellent pinched harmonics and note clarity. Dynamics are just as good as the H2O mod, as is transparency. You can also use it in front of an already overdriven amp to push it over the edge into sweet saturated bliss or in front of a clean channel for warm overdriven tones. This is a very versatile pedal after the mod.

BD-2 Monte Mod Plus – is the newest addition to my BD-2 mod arsenal. The instructions are free, so please feel free to download and share with your friends. The Download Link is above. I built this Mod for myself and my personal needs and wants. I wanted something that would better serve my prsonal setup. I use a stereo amp rig. A Fender VibroVerb and a VHT Leed 40. Both have unique cleans. The VibroVerb can be a little in the dark side while the VHT has a more flat response. Together they sound brilliant. My main OD/Distortion is my OD-308. A while back someone said they were using a BD-2 with their OD-308 by stacking them together. He said the result was amazing, so I tried it. He was right. A BD-2 together with my OD-308 produces some of the best tone I’ve heard. So I set out to create a mod for the BD-2 that would compliment my OD-308. The Monte Mod Plus is the result.

I’ve tried it with both Tube and Solid State amps with equally great results. In front of my Fender Cyber Deluxe (my live rig) the tones are to die for. Undeniably great tone! I will not be offering any kind of upgrade or cross-grade from my regular and H2O mods. The components I change in the Blues Stack Plus are very different. If you have one of my other mods and want to try the Blues Stack Plus I recommend buying a new or used BD-2 and installing the kit in that pedal. I’ll inevitably get an e-mail from someone wanting to do the mod to an already modded Keeley, Analogman, etc. BD-2. I cannot guarantee the result if you do.

With the way I design mods, it takes several component changes to arrive at and shape the end result. Going outside of that concept will give results that may or may not be good tonewise. So, if you do decide to adapt the mod to an already modded BD-2 you’re on your own and I cannot guarantee the result. Not trying to be evasive, just honest.

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