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"Hi Monte, Thanks for getting me off of my butt, and getting me to get up and not be overly proud of my soldering techniques. I went back and basically re-soldered every joint on the board, plugged the Daddy-O pedal in and it sounds absolutely stunning! There again, thanks for the mods and all of the great sounds you are giving us guitar players"
Keith Entringer, Phoenix, AZ
"Cool, Thanks, Just finished up the mod, it sounds great! Didn't think this pedal could sound as good as it does now. Thanks again."
Chaz Baker
"Hey, I just received my daddy-o mod kit. It is my second kit. (Boss ds-1). Great kits. I just wanted to thank you for the fast shipping. It got here before the actual pedal which I ordered two days earlier. I won’t quit until I have them all."
Jeffrey Bostich
"Just wanted to let you guys know that I love the sound of my Daddy-O since I modded with the TNT kit. I'm thinking of adding the Tri-gain add-on."
Mike Forrester, Baltimore, MD
"I just want to say that this was ridiculously easy to do and really was worth the money. Thanks for a great kit and a great product."
Paula Abbott

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