Helping You Sound Good
In the Beginning
We didn't achieve the Number 1 ranking in Google for Pedal Mods by accident! I've literally spent 100s, if not 1000s of hours doing research and experimenting with guitar and pedal tones. It's a sickness and an obsession! But it's also fun and I will continue to do this until I draw my last breath.
This website has been a labor of love and necessity for over 20 years. I love the guitar. It has been a close friend and companion for almost 56 years. Yeah, I’m old. It has taken me places and introduced me to people I would otherwise never have met. It has been a necessity for supplying a much needed income that allowed us to Homeschool our children while my wife Susan stayed home.
As you read this I am redesigning the site to make it mobile friendly. Something I honestly dreaded doing but knew it had to be done. I will be eventually turning the business over to my son Jacob. He has become quite the player and has a desire to continue the business. I know I will be leaving it in good hands!
Features of Our Products
- Master of your own tone
- Custom products for the masses
- Best Mods on the Planet!
- We Ship Fast!
- We Ship Worldwide!

Season Sales
We offer sales and promotions from time to time. Be sure to subscribe to our Newsletter so you'll never miss a sale!
Fast Shipping
We ship all orders within 24 hours! And we ship Worldwide.
Money Back Guarantee
We offer a MBG on all our products except for pedal mods. There's no way to give back our Mod PDF Instructions once a buyer has received them.