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SD-1 Stacked Plus Mod for Guitar & Bass


I’ve been wanting to incorporate my Dual Stack Adapter into an SD-1 mod for some time. This will be my 3rd mod for the SD-1. The SD-1 is such great mod bait. For $40 new and even less on eBay. The pcb is easy to work on and the stock pedals actually sound decent. I built this one around my new Dual Stack Adapter. The Dual Stack Opamps will give the circuit a tab bit more headroom, less noise and a more natural amp-like gain. The Tri-Gain switch will give you 3 very usable gain modes. I have also added much needed volume to the effect. I’ve always had to almost max the gain and volume knobs to get a good volume boost. Well, not any more. There’s a ton of volume available with the effect on now! Inevitably I’ll get the e-mail asking me which mod is the best.

Heck, I like them all! But they are all different. For the person that doesn’t like dealing with switches my regular SD-1 and SD-808 mods are the ticket. But for the more adventurous and experienced modders the GT and the Stacked Plus will take you much further tone-wise. And you’ll be rewarded for your efforts. For those that feel they need more gain I suggest adding my Dual Gain Upgrade Switch. No need for the Symmetrical Gain Upgrade Switch with the Stacked Plus Mod because I have incorporated that into the Tri-Gain Switch. Tone-wise this mod has a bit more girth than any of my other SD-1 mods. This mod will work great in front of a clean amp and is just magical in front of an already overdriven amp. So as a boost this mod really shines.


But the really cool thing is I designed this mod to work with both Guitar and Bass. No special tweaking necessary. Just plug it in and go. I designed the EQ of the mod so that the modded Version lets the full range of frequencies through. Works great on a bass track for added thickening.

IMPORTANT — Boss has started using surface-mount components on some of their new pedals. I’ve created a page to help you determine if your pedal is moddable. Read about it here.

Mod Options

For Guitar, For Bass

LED Color

Blue, White, Yellow, Green


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SD-1 Stacked Plus Mod for Guitar & Bass
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