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MT-2 Tri- Gain Upgrade Kits


Works With Both Regular MT-2 & Sustainia MT-2 Mods! – MT-2 Tri-Gain Upgrade Kit – This kit allows users of my regular MT-2 and MT-2 Sustainia Mod Kits to upgrade to a Tri-Gain Clipping Circuit. Notice: This Tri-Gain Upgrade kit may be used to replace any diode in any pedals clipping Circuit. This kit adds a ton of tonal options to both my regular MT-2 and MT-2 Sustainia Mods.

With this Kit you will receive two 1N34A Germanium Diodes, two 3mm Red LEDs, one Toggle Switch, 24 Ga. Wire with Heat Shrink Tubing & Two 3mm Red LEDs. Very easy to follow illustrated instructions are sent VIA e-mail attachment along with paper instructions sent with the parts.

Mod Options

For Guitar, For Bass


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MT-2 Tri- Gain Upgrade Kits
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