
.006″ Thick Tele Copper Pickguard Shield


SKU: 006-thick-tele-copper-pickguard-shield Category:

I have recently updated the design to accommodate the new Fender Elite Tele Series. The Neck Heel Truss Rod Adjustment access hasbeen added.

We now offer the thickest Copper Pickguard Shields on the Net! These .006″ Thick Copper Pickguard Shields will fit both righty and lefty guitars. These are High-Quality Laser Cut Shields (not hand cut like our competitors now offer). These Copper Shields are designed to fit both Fender 5-hole Vintage and 8-hole Modern Pickguards perfectly without alteration, unlike our competitors designs!

But I have taken and tweaked the design so it will also fit, without adjustment, 95% of the third party Pickguards in the market. Start enjoying the noise-canceling benefits of a fully shielded Pickguard. Also eliminates static buildup some pickguards exhibit. I Guarantee these to fit Genuine Fender Pickguards but some adjustment may be necessary for third party manufacturers.

Guitar Type

For Righty, For Lefty


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.006″ Thick Tele Copper Pickguard Shield
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