
TS-9, TS-808, OD-9, TS7 & TS5 Tube Screamer DIY Pedal Mod Kits


NOTE: The TS9 and TS808 have the exact same PC Board. Our TS9 Kit will also work with a TS808. These Mod Kits are the result of months of research. I took several Mods that others are performing on the net and performed them on a Tube Screamer. The ones I liked I kept. But I went further, I painstakingly tweaked each Mod to perfection.

I tried different Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes (Carbon Composite, Metal Film, Tantalum, Germanium, etc.) and I used the best analyzers in the World (My Ears) to determine which sounded the best. I discovered that there’s an awful lot of hype and Mojo floating around about the Tube Screamer. This DIY Kit Goes Way Beyond a TS-808. Although, it does include the famous Texas Instruments RC4558P chip and the famous “Brown Mod”. But this Kit doesn’t stop there.

Hear For Yourself! (.mp3)

TubeScreamer Song.mp3 — These mp3s were played on a Custom-Built Strat with a Special Tuning System I invented called the “eNut”. Notice how incredibly in tune all the mp3s are. With this system you can accomplish amazing intonation on any guitar. Other system are 2X to 10X its cost and don’t work as well.

TS9 Clean Boost
Sample 1.mp3
Sample 2.mp3
Sample 3.mp3
Sample 4.mp3
Sample 5.mp3

TS9 Half Gain
Sample 1.mp3
Sample 2.mp3
Sample 3.mp3
Sample 4.mp3
Sample 5.mp3

Pedal Model

TS-9, Maxon OD-9, TS-808, TS-808 Pro, TS-5, TS-7


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TS-9, TS-808, OD-9, TS7 & TS5 Tube Screamer DIY Pedal Mod Kits
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