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OD-3 Plus Dual Gain Mod Kit


I’ve wanted to incorporate my new Dual Stack Chip Adapter into a OD-3 Mod for some time. The OD-3 Plus Dual Gain Mod is the result of weeks and weeks of research and experimentation. What I ended up with far exceeded my expectations. The Mod has transformed this pedal into a beast! The lamb has been transformed into a Lion! The words that come to mind when I think of it is “Meaty & Bold! The notes literally explode out of my amp when I play through this mod. Although I wasn’t trying to model the effect after any particular amp this pedal, after the mod, reminds me of a early Marshall JCM800. I’ll never forget the first time I ever heard a JCM800. The notes seemed to explode out of the speakers. This pedal, no kidding, reminds me of THAT Tone!

Now for the bad news. I won’t be offering an upgrade from my Supra Plus to this mod. There were just too many changes I had to make to the circuit to accommodate the two NE5532s. I am also replacing the Supra Plus with this mod. So I will no longer sell the Supra Mod as of today. The Supra was a great mod but it cannot hold a candle to this New Mod!

Hear For Yourself! (.mp3)

OD-3 Plus.mp3 — Played entirely through a Boss OD-3 modded with our OD-3 Plus Mod Kit. Played on A Strat through a 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp mic’d with a SM57. I also used our new CS-3 Opto Compressor on this mp3. This is one FAT and Transparent Compressor after the mod. Absolutely smokes any compressor at any price.

OD3_jpstingray.mp3 — mp3 supplied by J.P. Stingray. J.P. Used a OD-3 modded with one of my kits. He used a Les Paul Standard and a Marshall 1959 SLP RI ,the Boss OD-3 had the drive on 12 O’clock and the tone also on 12 O’clock. Thanx J.P. For the mp3. I think you’ll agree J. P. has some awesome chops and great tone. Wow!

Mod Options

Without Cap Upgrade, With Cap Upgrade

LED Color

Blue, Green, Yellow, White


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OD-3 Plus Dual Gain Mod Kit
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