Nut Slotting Tool


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This handy Tool makes cutting nut slots a lot simpler. It includes 13 Stainless Steel Round Files that range in size from .016″ thru .073″ diameters. It also includes a flat file for shaping the nut. Why spend $75 to $100 or more on a set of slotting files when you can accomplish the same results with this tool. I like to start the slots with the Exacto Blade and finish them off with this tool.

As I’m asked to install the eNut on more guitars I’m finding that all some of these guitars need are the nut slots deepened. The reason most chords sound terrible at the first 2 or 3 frets is because the notes are sharp when fretted. The eNut eliminates this sharpness by moving the nut closer to the bridge. The sharpening occurs because the angle of the strings, as they pass over the nut, requires more pressure at the first few frets than it does further up the neck. Sometimes all that is needed to eliminate this sharpening is deepening the nut slots and reducing the distance from the bottom of the strings to the first fret.

Some guitars have the distance from the nut to first fret too high. I’m finding that more and more guitars I’m seeing have had some nut compensation already performed on the guitar, either by design or by accident or poorly maintained routing jigs I don’t know. In any case all these guitars need are the nut slots deepened. And if you happen to already own a Feitenized or guitar that has a Earvana nut then let me suggest you try my Tuning Offsets. They are much better than the ones Feiten suggests using and the Earvana nut benefits greatly from the Tuning Offsets.

Nut Slotting Tool
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