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DS-1 Rectifier Tri-Gain Mods


WARNING! — The OPA2134PA opamp, of which are included in many of my kits, is currently extremely hard to find. Mouser and Digikey are currently out of stock with none expected until 2023. I have hundreds in stock. BE CAREFUL BUYING THE OPA2134PA ON EBAY. THE MAJORITY ARE FAKE! Manufacturers in China are rebranding cheaper opamps and selling them as OPA2134PA opamps. I test all my OPA2134PA opamps I buy. You can easily test whether a OPA2134PA has been rebranded. Do this, take some Acetone on a Q-tip and rub across the lettering of the opamp. If it is Fake the ink used to print the labeling will dissolve into the Q-tip.

This kit is exactly the same as my regular DS-1 Rectifier Mod. Chad Matthews suggested I try installing a Toggle Switch to switch between a 1N4002 diode and an LED. The effect was simply stunning! Now you can have the best of both worlds. The awesome richness and smooth distortion of my regular Rectifier Mod and the FAT, thick, tubish type gain, with tons of glorious sustain, that the LEDs will give you. This mod takes the Rectifier Mod to a new level tone-wise and improves an already great sounding mod.

IMPORTANT — Boss has started using surface-mount components on some of their new pedals. Stinkfoot has written a great article on how to identify the new smt pedals and how to identify those that can still be modded. Read about it here.


Hear For Yourself! (.mp3s)
Rectifier_TriGain.mp3 DS-1 Rectifier Dual Gain Sound Samples – Played entirely through a Boss DS-1 modded with our Rectifier Mod Kit. Played on A Strat through a stock Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp mic’d with a SM57. The Uni-Vibe type Chorus effect is a Yamaha MagicStomp II. I also used our new CS-3 Opto Compressor on this mp3. This is one FAT and Transparent Compressor after the mod. Absolutely smokes any compressor at any price.
Hey_Joe_Joel_Erik.mp3 This mp3 was submitted by Erik Henry of Germantown, MD. Erik used a Opto Plus modded CS-3 and a Rectifier Tri-Gain Plus modded DS-1. Recording path was Texas Special Strat into CS-3 Opto plus into DS-1 Rectifier with Tri-Gain into a Fender Blues Junior. Great job Erik, and Great Tone!


This mp3 was sent to me by Will Smith of Jacksonville, FLA. It was recorded in Will’s home studio. Will’s band is named “By Grace”. Great tone Will, and a Great Song! Thanx for sharing it with everyone.

Rectifier_TriGain_Plus.mp3 This mp3 was sent to me by Nigel Anderson from Germany. It was recorded with a Strat into a JVM410H through the clean channel. Thank you Nigel! Great playing!
Mod Options

With Dual Adapter, Without Dual Adapter


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DS-1 Rectifier Tri-Gain Mods
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