
Helping You Sound Good

In the Beginning

We didn't achieve the Number 1 ranking in Google for Pedal Mods by accident! I've literally spent 100s, if not 1000s of hours doing research and experimenting with guitar and pedal tones. It's a sickness and an obsession! But it's also fun and I will continue to do this until I draw my last breath.
This website has been a labor of love and necessity for over 20 years. I love the guitar. It has been a close friend and companion for almost 56 years. Yeah, I’m old. It has taken me places and introduced me to people I would otherwise never have met. It has been a necessity for supplying a much needed income that allowed us to Homeschool our children while my wife Susan stayed home.

As you read this I am redesigning the site to make it mobile friendly. Something I honestly dreaded doing but knew it had to be done. I will be eventually turning the business over to my son Jacob. He has become quite the player and has a desire to continue the business. I know I will be leaving it in good hands!

Features of Our Products

Season Sales

We offer sales and promotions from time to time. Be sure to subscribe to our Newsletter so you'll never miss a sale!

Fast Shipping

We ship all orders within 24 hours! And we ship Worldwide.

Money Back Guarantee

We offer a MBG on all our products except for pedal mods. There's no way to give back our Mod PDF Instructions once a buyer has received them.

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