DISCLAIMER - Absolutely no refunds. All sales are final. We cannot be held responsible if you ruin your pedal. I got ripped off by a buyer of my TR-2 mod. Said he wasn't happy with the mod so I offered to buy the TR-2 from him. I gave him $110 in good faith. When I received the pedal it was non-functioning. He had drilled the hole for the pot in the wrong place piercing the ribbon going to the depth pot and completely pulled 4 traces from the PCB. And he wanted to know why the mod sounded bad. Because of this I will no longer issue refunds of any type on mods. If you do not have the skills required to perform the mod then please let us do the mod for you. Monte Allums
![]() I’ve wanted to incorporate my new Dual Stack Chip Adapter into a OD-3 Mod for some time. The OD-3 Plus Dual Gain Mod is the result of weeks and weeks of research and experimentation. What I ended up with far exceeded my expectations. The Mod has transformed this pedal into a beast! The lamb has been transformed into a Lion! The words that come to mind when I think of it is “Meaty & Bold! The notes literally explode out of my amp when I play through this mod. Although I wasn’t trying to model the effect after any particular amp this pedal, after the mod, reminds me of a early Marshall JCM800. I’ll never forget the first time I ever heard a JCM800. The notes seemed to explode out of the speakers. This pedal, no kidding, reminds me of THAT Tone! Now for the bad news. I won’t be offering an upgrade from my Supra Plus to this mod. There were just too many changes I had to make to the circuit to accommodate the two NE5532s. I am also replacing the Supra Plus with this mod. So I will no longer sell the Supra Mod as of today. The Supra was a great mod but it cannot hold a candle to this New Mod! Hear For Yourself! (.mp3) OD-3 Plus.mp3 Played entirely through a Boss OD-3 modded with our OD-3 Plus Mod Kit. Played on A Strat through a 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp mic'd with a SM57. I also used our new CS-3 Opto Compressor on this mp3. This is one FAT and Transparent Compressor after the mod. Absolutely smokes any compressor at any price. OD3_jpstingray.mp3 mp3 supplied by J.P. Stingray. J.P. Used a OD-3 modded with one of my kits. He used a Les Paul Standard and a Marshall 1959 SLP RI ,the Boss OD-3 had the drive on 12 O'clock and the tone also on 12 O'clock. Thanx J.P. For the mp3. I think you'll agree J. P. has some awesome chops and great tone. Wow! |
![]() ![]() With this Kit you will receive a 3mm Super Bright Clear White LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
![]() ![]() Electrolytic caps in tube amps, over a period of time, start to leak, loose their tolerance and go bad. It’s just the nature of Electrolytic caps. Sometimes the leaking is actually visible. But Electrolytic caps can look okay and still be faulty. By replacing Electrolytic caps in older pedals you can actually improve the overall effect of that pedal. Honestly I was skeptical until I received an email from a client that was having issues after he modded his Boss BF-2 with one of my kits. He said the flange effect was barely noticeable. A couple of weeks later I received another email from the same client. The client said he had solved the issue by replacing all the Electrolytic caps in his BF-2. This peaked my interest so I started experimenting. I was astonished how some of my older pedals benefited from the cap upgrade! Noise seemed to be reduced and clarity and presence of the effect were enhanced. I am now offering these Cap Upgrade Kits for many of the pedals I offer kits for. In some cases some of these caps are already upgraded in the kits that I offer. But I am offering kits that replace all the Electrolytic caps for those that have not purchased my kits. They will benefit from upgrading the Electrolytic caps that I do not replace in my kits. You’ll find that some of these same caps are already replaced in the kits I offer. It’s a win win all around for those that want the maximum benefit when upgrading their pedals. But I didn’t stop there, when possible I have upgraded these Electrolytics with Metal Film and Tantalum. Not only do these caps have tighter tolerances but they will also last the life of the pedal. |
![]() ![]() With this Kit you will receive Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment. |
![]() First of all I designed this mod so it will work with both Bass and Guitar. The stock ODB-3 sounds more like a Fuzz than an overdrive pedal plus it is very harsh and spiky in the high end. I have removed the fuzziness and harshness and thickened the effect and added warmth. No special mods are needed when using bass or guitar. The mods included with the kit will work equally well with both with absolutely no tweaking needed. There's a ton of very cool tones in this mod! When using a Bass you'll get enhanced note clarity and a super smooth, thick bottom. You'll find that the thickening of this mod will add sustain and girth to your playing. For guitarists you'll get very harmonically rich tones that just sing when your amp is pushed. Once I finished the mod I literally did not want to put my guitar down. The tones I was getting were just inspiring! IMPORTANT Boss has started using surface-mount components on some of their new pedals. I've created a page to help you determine if your pedal is moddable. Read about it here. |
![]() ![]() With this Kit you will receive a 3mm Super Bright Clear White LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment. |
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