Don't have a PayPal account?
Use your credit card or bank account (where available) Simply choose this option when you check out using Paypal. That's right, Paypal will let you pay with your credit card and even your bank account in some areas.
WARNING!- I will not be held responsible if your Paypal account lists an incorrect address on your Paypal account. Please check your Paypal address before you place an order with me.
DISCLAIMER - Absolutely no refunds. All sales are final. We cannot be held responsible if you ruin your pedal. I got ripped off by a buyer of my TR-2 mod. Said he wasn't happy with the mod so I offered to buy the TR-2 from him. I gave him $110 in good faith. When I received the pedal it was non-functioning. He had drilled the hole for the pot in the wrong place piercing the ribbon going to the depth pot and completely pulled 4 traces from the PCB. And he wanted to know why the mod sounded bad. Because of this I will no longer issue refunds of any type on mods. If you do not have the skills required to perform the mod then please let us do the mod for you. Monte Allums
Boss BD-2 Pedal Cap Upgrade Mod Kit
Electrolytic caps in tube amps, over a period of time, start to leak, loose their tolerance and go bad. It’s just the nature of Electrolytic caps. Sometimes the leaking is actually visible. But Electrolytic caps can look okay and still be faulty. By replacing Electrolytic caps in older pedals you can actually improve the overall effect of that pedal. Honestly I was skeptical until I received an email from a client that was having issues after he modded his Boss BF-2 with one of my kits. He said the flange effect was barely noticeable. A couple of weeks later I received another email from the same client. The client said he had solved the issue by replacing all the Electrolytic caps in his BF-2. This peaked my interest so I started experimenting.
I was astonished how some of my older pedals benefited from the cap upgrade! Noise seemed to be reduced and clarity and presence of the effect were enhanced. I am now offering these Cap Upgrade Kits for mortal of the pedals I offer kits for. In some cases some of these caps are already upgraded in the kits that I offer. But I am offering kits that replace all the Electrolytic caps for those that have not purchased my kits. They will benefit from upgrading the Electrolytic caps that I do not replace in my kits. You’ll find that some of these same caps are already replaced in the kits I offer. It’s a win win all around for those that want the maximum benefit when upgrading their pedals. But I didn’t stop there, when possible I have upgraded these Electrolytics with Metal Film and Tantalum. Not only do these caps have tighter tolerances but they will also last the life of the pedal.
What's in the BD-2 Cap Upgrade Mod Kit With this Kit you will receive Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
WARNINGThis mod will not work with some of the newer Boss BD-2s. They have changed the pcb. Make sure your BD-2 look exactly like Note: pic is split into the top and bottom parts of the pcb).
Boss BD-2 Pedal Mod Kit
This has become one of my all-time favorite pedals. It's different than a Tube Screamer in that it is much more transparent and in my opinion more truly represents a driven tube amp. Straight from the factory the Boss Blues Driver tends to have a very harsh and buzz saw type gain. My BD-2 Mod transforms this pedal into a truly great sounding pedal pushing it into Boutique territory. When used at moderate to loud levels with an amp it is reminiscent of a Vintage Plexi Marshall with smooth round yet biting overdrive.
This mod simply must be experienced and felt to be believed, it is that good! The Mods that I sell for this pedal push the Blues Driver into Hi-Fi territory!
With this Kit you will receive one Tantalum Capacitor, three Metal Film Capacitors, two Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, one Carbon Film Resistor, three 1N4002 Rectifier Diodes, one 1N34A Germanium Diode, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
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BD-H2O Mod Kit
What's in the BD-H20 Mod Kit
Boss BD-H20 DIY Pedal Mod Kits - When searching for a name to call this mod I chose H2O because it's the symbol for water. Water can be clear or transparent and it can be light or heavy. This mod transforms the BD-2 into an almost completely transparent pedal letting the true character of your guitar, pickups and amp shine through. Not only is it almost completely transparent, it's also extremely Dynamic. As you turn the Gain knob up on the pedal you can control the amount of gain using the volume control on your guitar. The BD-H2O will react exactly like a tube driven amp. The shriek highs and splaty gain of the stock BD-2 are completely removed. Compared to our regular BD-2 mod this mod has a much flatter EQ.
My regular BD-2 Mod has a slight mid boost and a little less gain than the BD-H2O Mod. Both mods remove the shriek highs and splaty gain of the stock BD-2. The splaty gain of the stock BD-2 is a common gripe I hear about others that offer mods for this pedal. We have removed this issue with this pedal. We also include a Super Bright 3mm White Clear LED. We also modify a resistor to increase the brightness of the LED X3. You can use the LED as a flashlight on stage after the mod, it is that bright, almost blinding. I will boldly state that this is undoubtedly the best mod on the planet for a BD-2. And the really cool part is we won't break the bank with the price of our mods. We offer top quality parts and expert craftsmanship at very reasonable prices.
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Dynamic Gain Mods
More Transparent Tone Mods
2nd Order Harmonics Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
With this Kit you will receive two Metal Film Capacitors, five Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, four 1N4002 Rectifier Diodes, one 1N34A Germanium Diode, 3mm Super Bright Clear White LED,Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
BD-H2O Mod Plus Kit
Well, say goodbye to the nasty unnatural splaty decay of the BD-2! With my new Dual Stack Adapter and two NE5532 opamps I have finally eliminated this known issue with the BD-2.
In my testing I tried a number of opamp combinations and two NE5532s sounds the best and was the only combination that eliminated the unnatural decay of the BD-2. The two NE5532 opamps now give a more natural sounding overdrive. This is exactly like my regular BD-2 H2O mod except with my new Dual Stack Chip Adapter Assembly. Words are not adequate to describe what this Adapter does to the tone of a H2O modded BD-2. When I first did the Chip Adapter mod I could not put the guitar down. A Smoking Clean Boost and the smoothest overdrive I have ever heard from any BD-2.
My regular H2O Mod is a great choice for a player wanting to boost an already overdriven amp or it works equally well in the clean channel of an amp. With the Chip Adapter the H2O just got better. Smoother tone and less noise are a result of this awesome mod. This mod will inspire you to play. This mod is for anyone that wants boutique tone but doesn't want to spend boutique prices to achieve it.
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Dynamic Gain Mods
More Transparent Tone Mods
2nd Order Harmonics Mods
Dual Stack Chip Adapter
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
What's in the BD-H20 Plus Mod Kit
With this Kit you will receive my new Dual Stack Chip Adapter, Socket Extender, Opamp Chip Sockets, two NE5532 Opamp Chips, two Metal Film Capacitors, five Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, four 1N4002 Rectifier Diodes, one 1N34A Germanium Diode, 3mm Super Bright Clear White LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
BD-H2O & H2O Groove Sound Samples - These mp3s was recorded by me on a Strat with a DiMarzio PAF Pro at the bridge and two DiMarzio Virtual Vintage pups at the neck and middle positions. The amp used was a Stock 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and the mic was a SM57. NOTICE: I've been asked about upgrading my regular BD-2 mod to the H2O. This is not possible because the BD-H2O is a complete mod rebuild. The components I change are very different than my regular BD-2 mod. Both are great mods however. My regular BD-2 Mod has less gain and has a slight mid-boost.
Sean Borton mp3s - These mp3s were graciously supplied by Sean Borton. The clips are from Sean's latest album "What a Party". Sean is playing a Strat w/EMG SA (Vintage) pups through a Vox AC30 set to a clean setting. You can visit Sean's band here Thank you Sean for letting me use these clips. Man, what great tone Sean, Awesome!
Sasha Brusin sent me this mp3 he recorded using my new H2O Plus Mod with the New Chip Adapter and a Burr Brown OPA2134PA Opamp Chip. Thank You Sasha! Here's Sasha's recording path. This is a bridge humbucker into Guitar Rig set for a clean Bassman emulation with some delay and reverb for ambience. Wow! Can this cat play or what - Monte Allums
Sasha Brusin sent me this mp3 he recorded using my new H2O Plus Mod and Opto Plus Mods with the New Chip Adapters and a Burr Brown OPA2134PA Opamp Chip. Thank You Sasha! Here's Sasha's recording path. This is a Les Paul neck pickup into Guitar Rig set for a Clean Tweed Bassman emulation with some delay and reverb for ambience. Wow! Thank You Sasha! - Monte Allums
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BD-2 Blues Stack Plus Mod Kit
Boss BD-2 Blues Stack Plus Mod - This is my newest mod for the BD-2. This mod is different from my H2O mod in that I have built the mod around the Dual Stacked NE5532s. Taking nothing away from the H2O, the H2O is a top selling mod for us. I just felt that because of the very unique tonal qualities of the Dual Stacked NE5532s that it would be great to build a mod around them. The stacked NE5532s is the only mod offered by anyone that finally solves the nasty splaty gain decay issue that plagues a stock BD-2. I have also eliminated the fuzz-type gain the BD-2 gives you when the gain knob is dialed up. And I am the only modder that sells the Dual Stack Adapter this mod uses. The Dual Stack Adapter was a design I came up with and is made exclusively for me. You cannot buy this adapter anywhere except at my website.
The BD-2 Blues Stack Plus Mod is designed with Blues, Gospel, New Country and Classic Rock players in mind. If you're looking for Hendrix, SRV, Rascal Flats, Led Zeppelin or any of the Classic Rock and Blues tones, you need look no further. The Blues Stack Plus delivers those tones to you and it does it with one of the warmest, most musical, natural sounding Overdrives you've ever heard. The gain is warm and natural with excellent pinched harmonics and excellent note clarity. Dynamics are just as good as the H2O mod, as is transparency. You can also use the Blue Stack Plus in front of an already overdriven amp to push it over the edge into sweet saturated bliss or in front of a clean channel amp for warm overdriven tones. This is a very versatile pedal after the mod.
I've tried the Blues Stack Plus with both Tube and Solid State amps with equally great results. In front of my Fender Cyber Deluxe (my live rig) the tones are to die for. Undeniably great tone! I will not be offering any kind of upgrade or cross-grade from my regular and H2O mods. The components I change in the Blues Stack Plus are very different from my other BD-2 mods. If you have one of my other BD-2 mods and want to try the Blues Stack Plus I recommend buying a new or used BD-2 and installing the mod it that pedal. I’ll inevitably get an e-mail from someone wanting to do the mod to an already modded Keeley, Analogman, etc. BD-2. I cannot guarantee the result if you do.
The way I design mods takes several component changes to arrive at and shape the end result. Going outside of that concept will give unpredictable results. So, if you do decide to adapt the mod to an already modded BD-2 you’re on your own and I cannot guarantee you’ll be happy with the result. Not trying to be evasive, just honest.
What's in the BD-2 Blues Stack Plus Mod Kit
With this Kit you will receive my new Dual Stack Chip Adapter, Socket Extender, Opamp Chip Sockets, two NE5532 Opamp Chips, three Metal Film Capacitors, one carbon composite resistor, three 1N34A Germanium Diodes, 3mm Super Bright Clear Blue LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
Chris Condon mp3 - Graciously submitted by Chris Condon Played through a BD-2 modded with my Blues Stack Mod and one of my Dyna Modded Dyna Comps. Chris is a pro player that took time out of his busy touring schedule to make this for me. Thank you Chris. Blues_Stack_Dyna_Comp.mp3 Brandon Humphrey mp3 - Graciously submitted by Brandon Humphrey. A/B comparison between the clean channel with the BD-2 and the drive channel of his amp. Blues Stack.mp3
Removes Nasty Decay Issue
Dynamic Gain Mods
illuminates Fuzziness in Gain
2nd Order Harmonics Mods
Dual Stack Chip Adapter
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
PDF Instructions
r value against the cost of a boutique pedal.
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CH-1 Super Chorus Hi-Fi Plus Mod Kit with Blinking Rate LED
Boss CH-1 Hi-Fi Plus Mod - Now with a Bi-Color LED that blinks to the rate of the chorus. I've had a ton of requests for this one. It's different than the CE-2 in that you have control over the lows and highs in the chorus effect and you can blend the effect in to taste. Add to that the fact that it also has a stereo out and you've got a very versatile chorus effect. This mod is only good for the CH-1s made before 2002. After 2002 Boss started using surface mount components. This mod will not work with CH-1 made after 2002. Your pcb must look like this.
With this mod I have increased the depth of the chorus and increased the rate of the chorus and add clarity and warmth to the effect. The Dual Chip Adapter will add clarity and presence and clean the circuit up. I also replace a few caps as some of the caps in these older pedals seem to leak and wander off tolerance over time. I think you'll find, after doing the mod, that this is one of the best analog choruses available. The magic of this mod happens in the high frequency content of the effect where I've added sparkle and smoothness plus warmth. This mod enhances that effect and also enhances the spaciousness of the chorus when used in stereo.
Now With Flashing Rate BiColor LED Mod I have added a new feature to my CH-1 mod. I have added a BiColor LED that will possess 2 functions. One will blink at the Rate the Chorus effect is set to by the Rate knob and the other will show when the effect is engaged. You can purchase the BiColor LEDs here. Based on the availability of the Bi-Color LEDs I will include either a Blue/Red or Green/Red Bi-Color LED.
What's in the CH-1 Chorus Hi-Fi Plus Mod Kit
With this Kit you will receive my new Dual Stack Chip Adapter, Opamp Chip Sockets, RC4558P and OPA2134PA Opamp Chips, one Boxed Metal Film Capacitor, one metal film resistor, three Tantalum capacitors, two electrolytic capacitors, one ceramic capacitor, Bi-Color LED , Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
IMPORTANT - This mod will only work with the Vintage CH-1s. Your CH-1's PCB must look like this.
r value against the cost o
f a boutique pedal.
Boss CH-1 Super Chorus Cap Upgrade Mod Kit
Electrolytic caps in tube amps, over a period of time, start to leak, loose their tolerance and go bad. It’s just the nature of Electrolytic caps. Sometimes the leaking is actually visible. But Electrolytic caps can look okay and still be faulty. By replacing Electrolytic caps in older pedals you can actually improve the overall effect of that pedal. Honestly I was skeptical until I received an email from a client that was having issues after he modded his Boss BF-2 with one of my kits. He said the flange effect was barely noticeable. A couple of weeks later I received another email from the same client. The client said he had solved the issue by replacing all the Electrolytic caps in his BF-2. This peaked my interest so I started experimenting.
I was astonished how some of my older pedals benefited from the cap upgrade! Noise seemed to be reduced and clarity and presence of the effect were enhanced. I am now offering these Cap Upgrade Kits for mortal of the pedals I offer kits for. In some cases some of these caps are already upgraded in the kits that I offer. But I am offering kits that replace all the Electrolytic caps for those that have not purchased my kits. They will benefit from upgrading the Electrolytic caps that I do not replace in my kits. You’ll find that some of these same caps are already replaced in the kits I offer. It’s a win win all around for those that want the maximum benefit when upgrading their pedals. But I didn’t stop there, when possible I have upgraded these Electrolytics with Metal Film and Tantalum. Not only do these caps have tighter tolerances but they will also last the life of the pedal.
What's in the CH-1 Chorus Cap Upgrade Mod Kit
With this Kit you will receive my new Dual Stack Chip Adapter, Opamp Chip Sockets, RC4558P and OPA2134PA Opamp Chips, one Boxed Metal Film Capacitor, one metal film resistor, three Tantalum capacitors, two electrolytic capacitors, one ceramic capacitor, Bi-Color LED , Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
IMPORTANT - This mod will only work with the Vintage CH-1s. Your CH-1's PCB must look like this.
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CE-2 & CE-2B Chorus Mods with Blinking Rate LED
What's in the CE-2 & CE-2B Mod Kit
Boss CE-2 & CE-2B DIY Pedal Mod Kits - This mod also works for the Bass Version CE-2B that has a circuit board that looks like this. This is, by far, the best analog chorus pedal I have ever played. Even though it's no longer in production there are tens of thousands of these pedals being used by pros all over the world. What I have done with this mod is improve several areas in the circuit. First, we have modified the voltage giving the pedal more headroom and improving the quality of the effect. The pedal can now be used with a standard Boss PSA power 9V adapter. We also replace the main opamp with a OPA2134PA Burr Brown opamp. This is a very Hi-Fi Low Noise opamp and will add clarity and fullness to the effect.
We have also upgraded several key components in the circuit with higher quality components. This will add clarity, fullness and a much more focused tone to the circuit. We also modify a resistor increasing the brightness of the LED. We also supply you with a 3mm Bi-Color LED that flashes with the rate of the effect. We modify a capacitor that doubles the rate of the chorus effect to give you a super fast chorus effect while preserving the slow rate. The richness of the actual chorus effect has also been enhanced. If you are looking for an absolutely beautiful, rich, smooth and lush chorus effect this is the mod for you. A great sounding analog chorus just got 10X better!
Now With Flashing Rate BiColor LED Mod I have added a new feature to my CE-2 & CE-2B mods. I have added a BiColor LED that will possess 2 functions. One will blink at the Rate the Chorus effect is set to by the Rate knob and the other will show when the effect is engaged. You can purchase the BiColor LEDs here. Based on the availability of the Bi-Color LEDs I will include either a Blue/Red or Green/Red Bi-Color LED.
Sean Borton mp3s - These mp3s were graciously supplied by Sean Borton. The clips are from Sean's latest album "What a Party". Sean is playing a Strat w/EMG SA (Vintage) pups through a Vox AC30 set to a clean setting. You can visit Sean's band here Thank you Sean for letting me use these clips. Man, what great tone Sean, Awesome!
With this Kit you will receive Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
Pedal Type
NEW! CS-3 Noise Decimator Plus Mod This Mod Will Not Work on a CS-2
What's in the CS-3 Noise Decimator Plus Mod Kit
I hope you enjoy the CS-3 Noise Decimator Mod. This mod absolutely Decimates the noise of the stock CS-3. The two new opamps kill noise and add much needed clarity to the circuit. The other request I constantly get is people want more bass and warmth. The Tone Knob mod has accomplished that and more. The tone sweep is now much more responsive and adds a certain sweetness to the CS-3.
Together all the mods work to give your CS-3 near studio quality compression at a very reasonable price point. You’ll want to leave your CS-3 on all the time. I never turn mine off. Enjoy!
Great for Guitar & Bass!
With this Kit you will receive two Chip Adapters with opamps, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
NEW! CS-3 Noise Decimator Plus Mod Upgrade
I have been getting a ton of requests from those that have my Opto Plus and Ultra mods wanting to upgrade to the Noise Decimator Mod. So I have taken some of the critical parts and are offering them here to those that would like to further knock down the noise in their CS-3.
I also upgrade a capacitor that will add bass and warmth to the circuit. All in all this is a wonderful upgrade for any CS-3, whether it's an Opto Plus or Ultra Modded CS-3 or even a stock CS-3. Either way you get a great improvement at a very reasonable price..
Great for Guitar & Bass!
Here are my recommendations concerning my CS-3 mods.
If transparency is what you are looking for in a compressor the Opto Plus is the mod I would recommend. The Opto Plus will retain your guitars original tone while also reducing noise and removing the harshness of the original CS-3. My New Ultra Plus mod for the CS-3 will also retain the tone of your original signal but I have fattened the effect a bit, added warmth, and I've added additional clarity to the upper frequencies thus enhancing the harmonic content of the signal.
If you are a Tele player then the Ultra is the ticket. The Ultra is very single coil friendly. Humbuckers will sound thicker with added clarity also. I have also smoothed out the attack to make it a more natural sounding compression.
The New Noise Decimator Mod This mod absolutely Decimates the noise of the stock CS-3. The two new opamps kill noise and add much needed clarity to the circuit. The other request I constantly get is people want more bass and warmth. The Tone Knob mod has accomplished that and more. The tone sweep is now much more responsive and adds a certain sweetness to the CS-3. This is the quietest mod for the CS-3 I offer. The added bass and warmth is better suited for bass players and guitarists with a brighter vibe amp looking for added warmth.
Bottom line is, it depends on the type of tone you are searching for. All 3 Mods will make the stock CS-3 sound great. If you want noise reduction and transparency all 3 mods will give you that. The Opto is more transparent and the Ultra is fatter and the Noise Decimator will knock down noise while adding enhanced upper frequencies. You really can't go wrong with either Mod. It just depends on the type of compression you are looking for.
Boss CS-3 Add Bass Switch Mod
I created this mod for those that want to add bass to their CS-3s. This switch will give you 3 different and very usable modes. One gives you basically the stock bass while the other 2 will give you more bass. As an added bonus the tone pot will give you a more usable and sweeter sweep.
Great for Bass or Guitar!
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CS-3 Opto Plus Mod This Mod Will Not Work on a CS-2
What's in the CS-3 Opto Plus Mod Kit
This is exactly the same kit as my very popular CS3 Opto Mod but I have incorporated my new Dual Stack Chip Adapter Mod into the Opto kit. By replacing one of the CS3's inline chips with the Dual Stack Chip Adapter containing a RC4558P and Burr Brown OPA2134PA we increase the clarity of the CS3, decrease noise and add volume and headroom. This is one sweet sounding compressor with this mod. A truly great sounding mod just got better.
A really great compressor lets the true character of the signal come through preserving all the frequencies of the original signal. This is exactly what my CS-3 Opto Plus Mod does, and it does it very well. I modeled this kit after the character of the old vintage Opto Compressors. These compressors are highly sought after today for their ability to compress a signal in a very smooth yet transparent way. With this mod I have achieved this and more. In fact, I use a CS-3 modded with this kit as a front end compressor for my personal studio. I use it for vocals, acoustic guitar and keyboards. The results have been nothing short of amazing. If you're looking for a great compressor that won't break the bank and will inspire you, this is the kit for you. My best selling Mod just got better!
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Chip Adapter Mod
Transparent Mod
Clarity Mods
Germanium Diode Mod
More Clarity & Body Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
With this Kit you will receive a Chip Adapter with socketed RC4558P and Burr Brown OPA2134PA Chips, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
Opto mp3s (.mp3s)
CS-3 Opto Sample - Recorded and sung by World Renown Producer David Prater used a Shure 57 into his CS-3 modded with my new Opto Plus Mod recorded into his Roland 2480. Listen to how clear and sparkly the voice sounds and how well it sits in the mix. Just unbelievably good! Thank You David!
CS-3 Opto Sample - Sean Borton mp3s - These mp3s were graciously supplied by Sean Borton. The clips are from Sean's latest album "What a Party". Sean is playing a Strat w/EMG SA (Vintage) pups through a Vox AC30 set to a clean setting. You can visit Sean's band here Thank you Sean for letting me use these clips. Man, what great tone Sean, Awesome!
CS-3 Opto Sample - This mp3 was submitted by Erik Henry of Germantown, MD. Erik used a Opto Plus modded CS-3 and a Rectifier Tri-Gain Plus modded DS-1. Recording path was Texas Special Strat into CS-3 Opto plus into DS-1 Rectifier with Tri-Gain into a Fender Blues Junior. Great job Erik, and Great Tone!
CS-3 Opto Sample - This mp3 was submitted by Juergen Ehle of Berlin, Germany. Juergen used a Opto Plus modded CS-3 into one of my OD-308s. Recording path was Guitar (Gibson SG) into CS-3 Opto plus into OD-308 ("fine") into a Music Man tube amp. The amp was set CLEAN as clean can be and I did barely increase the overall volume of the amp by using the pedals. Great job Juergen, and Great Tone!
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CS-3 Ultra Plus Mod This Mod Will Not Work on a CS-2
What's in the CS-3 Ultra Plus Mod Kit
My Boss CS-3 Opto Mod has changed very little since its introduction. The Opto Plus is my best selling Mod I currently sell. It is the first effect in my studio and live rigs and it is always on. So, you ask, why change it? Well, many have asked me to create specific mods for the CS-3 and I already had some ideas of how to improve an already great mod. The result is my New Boss CS-3 Ultra Plus Mod. Here is a list of the specific improvements this Mod offers.
Attack I’ve been asked if I could smooth out the attack of the effect. With the Ultra Plus Mod I have accomplished this by smoothing out the attack and giving it a more natural feel.
Warmth With my original Opto Mod it was my intention to preserve all the original signals frequency content while lessening noise. I have maintained all those improvements but I have added a bit of warmth and thickness to the affect. With the Ultra Plus, Warmth and Thickness increase as you dial up the Sustain Pot. This is a very cool feature of the Ultra Plus Mod.
Sparkle Most inexpensive compressors shave a bit of the high end from the signal leaving the effect sounding a bit dull and lifeless. With the Ultra Plus Mod I wanted to add a bit of high end Sparkle to the effect. The harshness of the stock CS-3 has been eliminated and a very smooth high end Sparkle has been added to the affect.
Harmonic Content I am a Pinched Harmonic Addict! Take a listen to Roy Buchanan on the 1962 recording of "Potato Peeler". Another guitarist that frequently uses pinched harmonics is Eric Johnson. The effect happens when subtle harmonics are amplified. Pinched Harmonics require that fundamental frequency content be preserved. The timbre of Pinched Harmonics is greatly affected by a guitarist’s ability to maintain fundamental frequency content in their signal path. The Ultra Plus enhances the fundamental frequency content from your instrument and thus making Pinched Harmonics more musically pleasing.
PDF Instructions I have created the CS-3 Ultra Plus Mod instructions in the popular Adobe PDF format that can be easily printed from your computer. The instructions are crystal clear and full of high-resolution pictures that clearly illustrate how to perform the mod. The PDF instructions are e-mailed to you once your order has shipped. All orders ship within 24 hours of order placement and we Ship to anywhere in the World!
With this Kit you will receive a Dual Stack Chip Adapter with socketed NE5532 Chips, Super Bright Blue 3mm LED, components to complete the mod, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
CS3_Ultra.mp3This mp3 was created using my new Ultra Mod. The guitar used was a custom built Strat with Fender SCN Samarium Cobalt Noiseless pickups into a 1975 Fender Super Reverb. Reverb and delay was added in Cubase when mixed down.
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CS-3 Opto Mod This Mod Will Not Work on a CS-2
What's in the CS-3 Opto Mod Kit
Boss CS-3 DIY Pedal Mod Kits My regular CS-3 mod, according to some, is what put me on the map as a legitimate DIY pedal mod supplier. My regular CS-3 Mod is my best selling mod to date and rightly so. Many feel it is better than a certain very popular pedal modders boutique compressor that sells for 3X the cost of a modded used CS-3. Having never played that certain boutique compressor I have no point of reference. But, I will say, without a doubt, that a CS-3 modded with this kit is the most inspiring compressor I have ever heard or played. My CS-3 modded with this kit rivals my favorite compressor, the Waves Renaissance Compressor. In my opinion what makes a great compressor is one that doesn't alter the original tone in a negative way. Most compressors shave off a bit of the top end of the signal and muddy up the mids and bass.
A really great compressor lets the true character of the signal come through preserving all the frequencies of the original signal. This is exactly what my CS-3 Opto Mod does, and it does it very well. I modeled this kit after the character of the old vintage Opto Compressors. These compressors are highly sought after today for their ability to compress a signal in a very smooth yet transparent way. With this mod I have achieved this and more. In fact, I use a CS-3 modded with this exact kit as a front end compressor for my personal studio. I use it for vocals, acoustic guitar and keyboards. The results have been nothing short of amazing. If you're looking for a great compressor that won't break the bank and will inspire you, this is the kit for you. My best selling Mod just got better!
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Opto Tone Mod
Transparent Mod
Clarity Mods
Germanium Diode Mods
More Clarity & Body Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
With this Kit you will receive Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
This mp3 was submitted by Juergen Ehle of Germany. This is how Jeurgen uses the Opto modded CS-3 on stage with his acoustic guitar. Everything was recorded straight from his gigboard via an Alesis AI3 A/D to his computer. No other input stages were involved. This is exactly what he feeds into the mixing desk in a live surrounding. Click here for a complete description of what you will here in the mp3. You can e-mail Jeurgen by clicking here.
Played entirely through a Boss CS-3 modded with our CS-3 Opto Mod Kit. I also used our new DS-1 Rectifier Mod on this mp3. Played on A Strat through a stock Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp mic'd with a SM57. The Uni-Vibe type Chorus effect is a Yamaha MagicStomp II. This is one FAT and Transparent Compressor after the mod. Absolutely smokes any compressor at any price.
Jean-Francois Cyr mp3s - Jean-Francois Cyr mp3s - This mp3s was graciously supplied by Jean-Francois Cyr. Jean-Francois Cyr is playing a Gretsch Tennessean. You can see Jean-Francois Cyr on Youtube at Thank you Jean-Francois for letting me use this clip.
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Boss CS-2 Hi-Fi Plus Mod
What's in the Boss CS-2 Hi-Fi Plus Mod Kit
This is the only compressor many players will use for compression. The BA662A VCA Chip that the CS-2 uses is held in high regard. The compression is much smoother than the CS-3 and has a much smoother attack.
My only complaint is there's no tone control and it does add a bit of noise. So I've added a treble/presence mod and also added a switch that adds a bit of bass and girth to the circuit. Plus I upgrade a few critical areas in the signal path that will lessen noise. The mod makes an already good pedal even better.
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Boss DD-2, DD-3 & DD-5 Hi-Cut Mod
What's in the DD-2, DD-3 & DD-5 Hi-Cut Mod Kit
This is the same mod some will charge you $50.00 to $70.00 for. Get the DIY version here for $23.99. This mod adds an analog feel to the delay affect. The original signal is unaffected. Comes with a 3-way Toggle Switch, two Metal Film Capacitors, heat-shrink tubing and 24 gauge hook-up wire. One side of the switch cuts the highs in the delay and cuts each repeat more and more giving the delay a very warm analog feel. NOTE: On the DD-5 the repeat does not cut the highs in each repeat more and more. Only the initial delay is affected.
The other side cuts the highs in the delay even more for an even warmer delay affect. The middle toggle position gives you the unaffected stock delay affect. So with this mod you get 3 delay options, high-cut, more high-cut and stock unaffected delay affect. Makes an already great delay pedal even better and more versatile. Save yourself $26.00 to $46.00 and do this mod yourself! Plus, modding your own pedal is just plain fun and very self-satisfying.
WARNING!I have found out that the new DD-3s will not work with this mod. If your DD-3 looks like this this mod will not work with your pedal. I will not be offering a mod for the new version.
Sean Borton mp3s - These mp3s were graciously supplied by Sean Borton. The clips are from Sean's latest album "What a Party". Sean is playing a Strat w/EMG SA (Vintage) pups through a Vox AC30 set to a clean setting. You can visit Sean's band here Thank you Sean for letting me use these clips. Man, what great tone Sean, Awesome!
Pedal Type
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Boss DD-6 Hi-Cut Mod
What's in the DD-6 Hi-Cut Mod Kit
Well, you asked for it and here it is! This is the one you've all been e-mailing and asking about. The Hi-Cut only affects the delay, the dry signal remains the unchanged. Includes a 3-way switch. Middle position of the switch gives you the stock unaltered delay. One side of the switch cuts the highs for a very warm analog feel while the other side will cut the highs even more for even a more analog vibe. Very cool! The Hi-Cut will affect Output A (Mono) Only.
No need for a kill switch on the DD-6 when using the Reverse Delay because the dry signal can be dialed out by turning the Effects Level all the way up. This is a very smooth sounding delay after the mod. So with this mod you get 3 delay options, high-cut, more high-cut and stock unaffected delay affect. Makes an already great delay pedal even better and more versatile. Save yourself $26.00 to $46.00 and do this mod yourself! Plus, modding your own pedal is just plain fun and very self-satisfying.
Sean Borton mp3s - These mp3s were graciously supplied by Sean Borton. The clips are from Sean's latest album "What a Party". Sean is playing a Strat w/EMG SA (Vintage) pups through a Vox AC30 set to a clean setting. Thank you Sean for letting me use these clips. Man, what great tone Sean, Awesome!
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Boss DS-1 MIJ Vintage Tri-Gain Plus Mod
The Boss Pre-1995 MIJ DS-1 is actually a pretty decent pedal stock. But there's always room for improvement! I am a chronic tweaker you know! With this mod I will introduce a New Adapter that will allow you to change out the MIJs TA7136 Opamp for any of the many Higher Quality Dual Opamps available. You should hear a RC4558P in the circuit. That's the one I supply with this kit. Unbelievably good in the MIJ Vintage DS-1. But with the TA7136 Adapter you can swap Opamps until you find your sweet spot. Me, I'll stick with the RC4558P.
With the mod I flatten out the scooped mids and add warmth and clarity. I also upgrade some of the older caps. They tend to go bad after time. The 3-way Tri-Gain Switch will add to the versatility after the mod. You have your choice of keeping the 1S2473 clipping diodes or replacing them with a couple of 1N914s. You also get LEDs and a Diode Lift Mode.
With these changes, and a few others, the mod turns this already good sounding pedal into a Great Sounding Pedal!
DS-1 Vintage Mod mp3 This mp3 was recorded on the LED mode of a Modded Vintage DS-1. Unbelievable on-the-verge-of-blowing Marshall type vibe. Notice how the gain seems to bloom as the notes explode through your speakers. Very cool vibe! If you're looking for that early Marshall tone this is it! Placed it in front of a clean amp setting or an already distorted amp. And with my new TA7136A Adapter you can swap out the opamp with your favorite Dual Opamp. I use a RC4558 but a Burr Brown OPA2134PA sounds great also as does a TL072 and JRC4558. With the Adapter Socket you can even swap back to the TA7136 which also sounds pretty darn good. Your options are endless. This is a very cool mod!
What's in the Boss DS-1 MIJ Vintage Tri-Gain Plus
IMPORTANT - This mod will only work with the Vintage Pre-1994 Boss MIJ DS-1s. The older vintage MIJ DS-1s use a TA7136 Opamp in a 7-Pin Configuration. Your DS-1's PCB must look like this.
The Vintage MIJ TG Plus Mod comes with a Super Bright White 3mm LED to replace the stock red 3mm indicator. Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
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DS-1 Roxx Tri-Gain Plus Mod
This is my newest mod for the DS-1. I'm calling it the "Roxx Tri-Gain Plus" mod because simply "It Rocks"! This is the name that came to mind right after I finished the mod.
This mod is built around a pair of NE5532 opamps. It’s pretty amazing how the NE5532s sound in this mod. All the harsh spiky highs have been removed. The stock DS-1 has a very fake sounding distortion. Not very natural sounding at all. In my opinion this is where most pedals fall short.
I will not be offering a cross-grade or upgrade for the Roxx mod because the Roxx is a complete mod rebuild. It is totally different from my Rectifier mods. This, IMO, is my best DS-1 mod to date. I built it around dual stacked NE5532s. This completely removes the fizz from the DS-1 circuit and gives the pedal a very natural sounding distortion. In fact I almost named the mod Velvet because this mod has an almost velvet type smoothness to it.
Getting a pedal to sound like an actual tube driven amp on the verge of breakup is the challenge pedal manufacturers face. I have been able to obtain that vibe with this mod. All the fake shrill gain has been replaced with a very smooth dynamic harmonically rich distortion. This is arguably my best DS-1 mod to date.
Hear For Yourself
Note: I mention the Super Reverb in the video is a 1995 SR but it is actually a 1975 Super Reverb. I had a bit of a brain fart. ;-)
This mp3 was graciously submitted by Tim Bechtel. In this mp3 Tim compares all three modes of the Roxx to the stock DS-1. Thank You Tim for taking the time to make this mp3!
This Video was graciously submitted by Chris Manning. You can visit Chris's website by clicking here. Thank You Chris for taking the time to make this Video!
What's in the Roxx Tri-Gain Plus Mod
IMPORTANT - This mod will only work with the newer DS-1s. The older vintage DS-1s use a different type of inline chip that is not compatible with the chip adapter. Your DS-1's PCB must look exactly like this.
The Roxx TG Plus Mod comes with a Super Bright White 3mm LED to replace the stock red 3mm indicator.
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DS-1 Rectifier Tri-Gain Mods
What's in the Rectifier Tri-Gain Plus Mod
This kit is exactly the same as my regular DS-1 Rectifier Mod. Chad Matthews suggested I try installing a Toggle Switch to switch between a 1N4002 diode and an LED. The effect was simply stunning! Now you can have the best of both worlds. The awesome richness and smooth distortion of my regular Rectifier Mod and the FAT, thick, tubish type gain, with tons of glorious sustain, that the LEDs will give you. This mod takes the Rectifier Mod to a new level tone-wise and improves an already great sounding mod.
DS-1 Rectifier Dual Gain Sound Samples - Played entirely through a Boss DS-1 modded with our Rectifier Mod Kit. Played on A Strat through a stock Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp mic'd with a SM57. The Uni-Vibe type Chorus effect is a Yamaha MagicStomp II. I also used our new CS-3 Opto Compressor on this mp3. This is one FAT and Transparent Compressor after the mod. Absolutely smokes any compressor at any price.
This mp3 was submitted by Erik Henry of Germantown, MD. Erik used a Opto Plus modded CS-3 and a Rectifier Tri-Gain Plus modded DS-1. Recording path was Texas Special Strat into CS-3 Opto plus into DS-1 Rectifier with Tri-Gain into a Fender Blues Junior. Great job Erik, and Great Tone!
This mp3 was sent to me by Will Smith of Jacksonville, FLA. It was recorded in Will's home studio. Great tone Will, and a Great Song! Thanx for sharing it with everyone.
This is exactly the same mod as my extremely popular DS-1 Rectifier Tri-Gain Mod. But I swap out the rather plain sounding inline chip for two Burr Brown OPA2134PA opamps. The two OPA2134PA Dual Opamps will open up the tone with increased note clarity and less noise. This mod reminds me of an OCD on Steroids. The gain after this mod has that same type of airy and open gain that the OCD is famous for. This may be my best mod yet! I ain't kidding folks, this is one awesome mod.
IMPORTANT - This mod will only work with the newer DS-1s. The older vintage DS-1s use a different type of inline chip that is not compatible with the chip adapter. Your DS-1's PCB must look exactly like this.
What's in the Rectifier Tri-Gain Mod
DS-1 CMAT Tri-Gain Upgrade Kits
What's in the DS-1 CMAT Tri-Gain
Works With Any Regular DS-1 & Rectifier DS-1 Mods! This kit allows users of any regular DS-1 or my DS-1 Rectifier Mod Kits to upgrade to a Tri- Gain Clipping Circuit. Notice: This Tri- Gain Upgrade kit may be used to replace any diode in any pedals clipping Circuit. This kit adds a ton of tonal options to a regular DS-1 and my Rectifier Mod.
With this Kit you will receive two 3mm Red LEDs, two 1N4002 Diodes, one Toggle Switch, 24 Ga. Wire with Heat Shrink Tubing & Two 3mm Red LEDs, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
DS-1 Rectifier Mod
What's in the DS-1 Rec Mod Kit
I designed this mod to be an absolutely "In Yo Face" Distortion. The name alone conjures up images of a pedal that takes no prisoners. This is one awesome pedal after the mod. Tons of volume and some of the richest, smoothest, tastiest distortion you have ever heard. Looking for that Satriani type wall of sound with thick tasty leeds. This is the mod for you. Those of you that liked my SD-808 will love this mod also.
Very similar harmonic structure with enhanced pinched harmonics and sustain for days. There's a wide variety of tone in this mod. With the gain turned down you'll get this smooth edgy vibe that's almost like an overdrive. Push the gain up and and this pedal will go into heavenly type distortion with no splatiness or flabby bass. Thick and smooth is the order of the day. Not a raspy tone in this mod. If you're looking for a pedal that sounds equally good at bedroom or concert volume this is the mod for you.
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Brighter LED Mod
Tube Tone Mod
Smoother Gain Mod
Clarity Mods
Rectifier Diode Mod
More Bass & Mids Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
Hear For Yourself! (.mp3s)
DS-1 Rectifier Sound Samples Played entirely through a Boss DS-1 modded with our Rectifier Mod Kit. Played on A Strat through a stock Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp mic'd with a SM57. The Uni-Vibe type Chorus effect is a Yamaha MagicStomp II. I also used our new CS-3 Opto Compressor on this mp3. This is one FAT and Transparent Compressor after the mod. Absolutely smokes any compressor at any price.
With this Kit you will receive three Tantalum Capacitors, four Metal Film Capacitors, two Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, one Carbon Composite Resistor, two 1N4002 Diodes, Super Bright Clear Green LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
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Boss GE-7 & GEB-7 DIY Pedal Mod Kits
What's in the GE-7 & GEB-7 Plus Mod Kit
This is very handy tone shaping tool to have on your pedal board. This is actually a very nice sounding EQ right off the shelf. But it suffers from excessive noise as a result of the cheaper components Boss uses. With this mod we replace the cheaper noisy op-amp chips with low noise higher quality chips.
Lower quality capacitors are also replaced reducing noise even more and also adding a more focused Hi-Fi tone to the circuit. Noise is substantially reduced and the signal is passed through preserving the original tone of your guitar. The bypass circuit is also much improved. You will not find a better mod than this anywhere for the GE-7! You'll be shocked at the improvement this mod will make on this pedal.
TESTIMONIAL Modified my GE-7 with your "Plus" mod yesterday, and I am blown away by the results. I did before/after comparisons with a DAW and a spectrum analyzer so I could not only hear, but see the difference. Before: hiss, hum, buzz, noise on every slider. After: nearly silent operation - I had to boost the recorded waveform significantly just to hear it. All this plus tight, defined, *musical* equalization. Kudos to you once again. I am proud to have this join my Monte Allums CS-3 Opto Plus, which continues to amaze. Will recommend your mods every chance I get! Below is a screen shot of Jeff's spectrum analyzer results of before and after the GE-7 Plus Mod (Click on the pic to enlarge). Also click here for a mp3 that Jeff made of before and after he performed the mod. Here's Jeff's description of the mp3:
1. All sliders at 0 (centered), gain at 0. 2. Each slider boosted fully one at a time, from low to high; gain at 0. 3. Each slider cut fully one at a time, from low to high; gain at 0. It is surprising here how much hiss and noise are added to the signal when *cutting* frequencies on the unmodded pedal. 4. Gain slider maxxed, each slider additively boosted fully from low to high. 5. Unmodded sound is on the left and the modded sound is on the right.
Jeff Watt Sherwood Park Alberta, Canada
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Fuller Tone Mod
Transparent Mods
Clarity Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
WARNING! There are two GE-7s and GEB-7s Boss have made. The New Version GE-7 has 3 Opamps while the Older Vintage GE-7 and GEB-7 have 4 Opamps. You must open your pedal to see which kit you need to order. Use the Pull-Down Menu to select the correct kit for your GE-7 and GEB-7. The Vintage 4-opamp GE-7 PCB will look like this. The New 3-opamp GE-7 PCB will look like this. The mod will not work with the older GEB-7. Make sure your GEB-7 pcb looks exactly like this.
About the New! GE-7 & GEB-7 Plus Mod Kits
This is exactly the same mod as my popular GE-7 & GEB-7 mod but with my new Dual Stacked Chip Adapter Mod with two Burr Brown OPA2134PA opamps with sockets. I am also supplying sockets for the RC4559P opamps so you can swap them out if you like. Also included is a Super Bright White LED. If you thought my regular GE-7 & GEB-7 mod was quiet wait until you hear the GE-7 & GEB-7 with a pair of OPA2134PA opamps in the circuit. This pedal now passes pristine clean signal from the input to the output. This is one awesome tone-shaping tool after this mod! Clarity and focus is unbelievably good. As a clean boost it doesn't get any better than this.
IMPORTANT! - The New GE-7 Plus Mod will only work with the newer GE-7 that has a PCB Board that looks like this. The mod will not work with the older GE-7 PCB that looks like this. I will not be able to adapt the mod to the older GE-7 because the adapter is not compatible with the inline opamp of that pedal. The mod will not work with the older GEB-7. Make sure your pcb looks exactly like this. WARNING There is an older GEB-7 that looks almost just like the newer version. I just received an e-mail notifying me about this. It looks very similar to the newer version but has a 7-pin inline opamp instead of the 8-pin and so my adapter will not work with it. It also has a 4th DIP Opamp in the upper right corner of the pcb. The pcb looks like this. My new Plus version with the adapter will not work with this version.
With this Kit you will receive three RC4559P opamps and my new Dual Stacked Chip Adapter with a pair of Burr Brown OPA2134PA opamps with sockets, three Tantalum Capacitors, one Metal Film Capacitor, four Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, Super Bright White LED and I also modify a resistor that increases the brightness of the LED. Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
Pedal Type
What's in the Regular GE-7 & GEB-7 Mod Kits With this Kit you will receive three RC4559P and one TL072 Op-amp, three Tantalum Capacitors, one Metal Film Capacitor, four Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment. NOTE: The kit for the newer GE-7 and the GEB-7 will only include three RC4559P chips.
Pedal Type
Boss PQ-3B Hi-Fi Plus Mod
What's in the Boss PQ-3B Hi-Fi Plus Mod
First let me say that I know these were designed for bass but I find them very good on guitar also. These are highly sought after. Bringing top money on eBay. Stock they are really great tone shaping pedals but are rather noisy. This mod reduces noise and adds clarity to an already good circuit. With this mod we replace the cheaper noisy op-amp chips with low noise higher quality chips.
Lower quality capacitors are also replaced reducing noise even more and also adding a more focused Hi-Fi tone to the circuit. Noise is substantially reduced and the signal is passed through preserving the original tone of your guitar. You'll be shocked at the improvement this mod will make on this.
I am unsure if there are different versions of this circuit so before you order make sure your pcb looks like this.
With this Kit you will receive Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment. I also included a Super Bright 3mm Blue LED.
Boss PQ-4 Hi-Fi Plus Mod
What's in the Boss PQ-4 Hi-Fi Plus Mod
These are highly sought after. Bringing top money on eBay. Stock they are really great tone shaping pedals but are rather noisy. This mod reduces noise and adds clarity to an already good circuit. With this mod we replace the cheaper noisy op-amp chips with low noise higher quality chips.
Lower quality capacitors are also replaced reducing noise even more and also adding a more focused Hi-Fi tone to the circuit. Noise is substantially reduced and the signal is passed through preserving the original tone of your guitar. You'll be shocked at the improvement this mod will make on this.
I am unsure if there are different versions of this circuit so before you order make sure your pcb looks like this.
With this Kit you will receive Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment. I also included a Super Bright 3mm Blue LED.
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MT-2 Sustainia Tri-Gain Mod
In the MT-2 Sustainia Tri-Gain Mod Kit
This kit is exactly the same as my regular MT-2 Sustainia Mod but with a switch. The switch will offer 3 gains. One side will engage the 1N34A diodes and one side the LEDs. The middle will bypass the diodes altogether which will give you a very overdrive type gain structure with the gain turned down.
This toggle switch makes the Sustainia a very versatile pedal. One that will cover the heavier stuff for the metal heads and the bluesier stuff for rock and blues players. You will not believe the smooth thick gain the LEDs give you. This is a solo players dream mod! A Great Mod just got 3X better!
Tri-Gain Switch Mods
Tube Tone Mod
Flatter EQ Mods
Clarity Mods
LED Diode Mod
Germanium Diode Mod
Sustain Increase Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
With this Kit you will receive a two Tantalum 1uF Capacitors, four Metal Film Capacitors, four Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, two 1N34A Germanium Diodes, one Super Bright Blue LED, two 3mm Red LEDs, Heat Shrink Tubing, wire, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow Mod Instructions.
Hear For Yourself! (.mp3s)
MT-2 Sustainia Tri-Gain Plus Sound Samples - This mp3 was graciously recorded and sent to me by Sasha Brusin. Sasha recorded it using an MT-2 modded with my new Sustainia Tri-Gain Plus Mod with a Chip Adapter and a OPA2134PA Burr Brown Chip. The clip was recorded directly into Guitar Rig, set for a CLEAN Plexi emulation. Delay was added for ambience, nothing else. Man, can this cat play! Thank You Sasha!
MT-2 Sustainia Tri-Gain Sound Samples - This mp3 was graciously recorded and sent to me by Jo Ellis. Joe recorded it using an MT-2 modded with my Sustainia Tri-Gain Mod. Here's how Joe recorded it..... Both were done in (LED clipping mode) in front of my NMV Marshall JMP Super Bass half-stack. The guitar used is a custom built Les Paul loaded with Seymour Duncan Seth Lover humbuckers. Because the amp stays clean even with the volume pretty high up (volume for the recording was between 5-6), I used the pedal for some boost and the pedal's distortion at about 10:00. Stop by Joe's website at or his MySpace page at Thanx Joe for the great tones and for sharing you music with us! - Monte Allums!
MT-2 Sustainia Tri-Gain Video - This video was graciously supplied by
Mark Burkert. You can visit Mark's website at Mark is playing a Suhr guitar and solos at 3:18 in the video. Mark is also using a GE-7 modded with one of my kits that he uses to boost his solos. Thank you Mark for sharing your music with us.
MT-2 Sustainia Plus Tri-Gain Mod Kit
w/Dual Stack Chip Adapter
MT-2 CMAT Tri- Gain Upgrade Kits
What's In the CMAT Tri-Gain Upgrade Kit
Works With Both Regular MT-2 & Sustainia MT-2 Mods! - MT-2 Tri-Gain Upgrade Kit - This kit allows users of my regular MT-2 and MT-2 Sustainia Mod Kits to upgrade to a Tri-Gain Clipping Circuit. Notice: This Tri-Gain Upgrade kit may be used to replace any diode in any pedals clipping Circuit. This kit adds a ton of tonal options to both my regular MT-2 and MT-2 Sustainia Mods.
With this Kit you will receive two 1N34A Germanium Diodes, two 3mm Red LEDs, one Toggle Switch, 24 Ga. Wire with Heat Shrink Tubing & Two 3mm Red LEDs. Very easy to follow illustrated instructions are sent VIA e-mail attachment along with paper instructions sent with the parts.
MT-2 Sustainia Mod
What's in the MT-2 Sustainia Mod Kit
This is my second Mod for the MT-2. I've gotten a lot of requests asking if there are any mods that will clean up the pedal when the gain is turned down and also reduce noise. My MT-2 Sustainia Mod has accomplished both of these requests. I have also flattened out the EQ and enhanced sustain. Now with the tone controls at 12 O'clock the EQ is almost totally flat with a mild fattening of the signal. The gain will now go from clean boost to crunchy overdrive to a take-no-prisoners distortion with sustain for days. You will not believe the sustain this mod will give you!
But, for those that prefer more gain with no clean boost I include instructions and two 1N34A Germanium Diodes that will give you that, along with a much smoother gain structure and enhanced sustain. So, depending on your particular tonal needs, this mod will cover both areas and it does both very well. My MT-2 Sustainiac Mod completely transforms a very harsh nasally pedal into one of the sweetest tastiest overdrive/distortion pedals available at any price. This is, without a doubt, the best mod for a MT-2 that's available anywhere at any price!
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Tube Tone Mod
Flatter EQ Mods
Clarity Mods
Germanium Diode Mod
Sustain Increase Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
With this Kit you will receive a two Tantalum 1uF Capacitors, four Metal Film Capacitors, four Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, two 1N34A Germanium Diodes one Super Bright Blue LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
MT-2 Sustainia Sound Samples - Played entirely through a Boss MT-2 modded with our Sustainiac Mod Kit. Played on A Strat through a stock Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp mic'd with a SM57. The Uni-Vibe type Chorus effect is a Yamaha MagicStomp II. I also used our new CS-3 Opto Compressor on this mp3. This is one FAT and Transparent Compressor after the mod. Absolutely smokes any compressor at any price.
MT-2 Sustainia Sound Bite - Submitted by Michael McGlenn. Thank you Michael for this soundbite. Played on a ESP MI Custom W/EMG81. Mic was a Rode NT3 Condenser played into a Vox AD50 VT W/450MS. Amp delay was added. If you have any questions about the setup please contact Michael
MT-2 Sustainia Tri-Gain Heavy Metal Sound Samples - Ibanez S520EX w/ EMG 81X Bridge pickup -> MT-2 Sustania -> Peavey ValveKing 112 Combo Clean Channel w/Eminence Man-O-War -> SM57. A little bit of the amp's built in reverb was used. That's it. If you're into metal this mod is right up your alley!
VooDoo Labs Sparkle Drive Tri-Gain Plus Mod Mod
What's in the Sparkle Drive Mod Kit
WARNING! As far as I know the Sparkle Drive has not changed since its introduction but I am not certain. Please open your pedal up and make sure the pcb looks like this.
I've had a ton of requests for this one. The Sparkle Drive is actually pretty decent stock but has a tendency to be rather fizzy in the gain structure and there's a loss of bass when the gain is blended in with the signal. I have solved both of these issues, incorporated my Dual Stack Adapter and also added a few twists of my own that will transform this pedal into a really great OD. I have also increased the amount of available gain. The Stacked RC4558Ps will give the gain a much more amp-like structure. It will also enhance pick attack and note clarity. This mod will only affect the gain side of the circuit. The clean side remains the same.
This is my personal favorite of all the TS type circuits available. Very versatile. The real magic happens with the Dual Stack RC4558Ps and the Tri-Gain Switch. The Dual Stack RC4558s will lessen noise slightly and increase the headroom slightly. The gain takes on this very smooth and even structure with a much more Tube-Like vibe. With the Ti-Gain Switch you get 3 very usable gain modes. I retain the stock gain mode with two 1N914 Diodes. In the middle mode the diodes are lifted from the clipping circuit yielding a huge volume boost with a ton of crunch and edge. But in my opinion the real magic happens on the LED side of the switch. In this mode the Sparkle Drive takes on this wonderful bloom that erupts into this gorgeous sounding Tube-Like overdrive. This is a wonderful mod for an already great sounding pedal. With this mod I just made it 2X better!
With this Kit you will receive two Metal Film Capacitors, one Carbon Film Resistor, one Carbon Composite Resistor, Tri-Gain Switch Assembly, Dual Stack Adapter Assembly with two RC4558P Opamps, Super Bright Green LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
Sparkle_Drive.mp3 Played through a custom made Strat with Fender Vintage Hot pups into a modded Sparkle Drive into a Blackfaced 1975 Super Reverb. Mic's with a Sanken CU-41 Condenser Mic.
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VooDoo Labs Analog Chorus Volume Mod
What's in the Analog Chorus Volume Mod Kit
I've had a ton of requests for this one. The Analog Chorus is one of the best Chorus Pedals available but they have an annoying volume increase when the effect is engaged.
I have created a mod that includes a pot that will allow you to match the bypass volume with the effects volume simply by adjusting the Pot. Very cool and very simple mod to do.
I supply all the parts along with high quality PDF instructions. May the Chorus be with you.
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OD-3 Plus Dual Gain Mod Kit
I’ve wanted to incorporate my new Dual Stack Chip Adapter into a OD-3 Mod for some time. The OD-3 Plus Dual Gain Mod is the result of weeks and weeks of research and experimentation. What I ended up with far exceeded my expectations. The Mod has transformed this pedal into a beast! The lamb has been transformed into a Lion! The words that come to mind when I think of it is “Meaty & Bold! The notes literally explode out of my amp when I play through this mod. Although I wasn’t trying to model the effect after any particular amp this pedal, after the mod, reminds me of a early Marshall JCM800. I’ll never forget the first time I ever heard a JCM800. The notes seemed to explode out of the speakers. This pedal, no kidding, reminds me of THAT Tone!
Now for the bad news. I won’t be offering an upgrade from my Supra Plus to this mod. There were just too many changes I had to make to the circuit to accommodate the two NE5532s. I am also replacing the Supra Plus with this mod. So I will no longer sell the Supra Mod as of today. The Supra was a great mod but it cannot hold a candle to this New Mod!
What's in the OD-3 Plus Dual Gain Mod Kit
With this Kit you will receive my new Dual Chip Adapter Mod with Opamps, one Super Bright White LED, Tantalum Capacitors, Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, Metal Film Capacitors, one resistor, 1N4002 Diodes, Dual Gain Switch Assembly, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
Sound Samples - Played entirely through a Boss OD-3 modded with our OD-3 Plus Mod Kit. Played on A Strat through a 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp mic'd with a SM57. I also used our new CS-3 Opto Compressor on this mp3. This is one FAT and Transparent Compressor after the mod. Absolutely smokes any compressor at any price.
Sound Samples - mp3 supplied by J.P. Stingray. You can visit Jps website here J.P. Used a OD-3 modded with one of my kits. He used a Les Paul Standard and a Marshall 1959 SLP RI ,the Boss OD-3 had the drive on 12 O'clock and the tone also on 12 O'clock. Thanx J.P. For the mp3. I think you'll agree J. P. has some awesome chops and great tone. Wow!
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ODB-3 Plus Tri Gain Mod Kit
First of all I designed this mod so it will work with both Bass and Guitar. The stock ODB-3 sounds more like a Fuzz than an overdrive pedal plus it is very harsh and spiky in the high end. I have removed the fuzziness and harshness and thickened the effect and added warmth. No special mods are needed when using bass or guitar. The mods included with the kit will work equally well with both with absolutely no tweaking needed.
There's a ton of very cool tones in this mod! When using a Bass you'll get enhanced note clarity and a super smooth, thick bottom. You'll find that the thickening of this mod will add sustain and girth to your playing. For guitarists you'll get very harmonically rich tones that just sing when your amp is pushed. Once I finished the mod I literally did not want to put my guitar down. The tones I was getting were just inspiring!
What's in the ODB-3 Plus Tri Gain Mod Kit
With this Kit you will receive my new Dual Chip Adapter Mod with Two Opamps, one Super Bright White LED, Two Red LEDs, Electrolytic Capacitor, Metal Film Capacitors, one resistor, 4002 Diode, Tri Gain Switch Assembly, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
Hear For Yourself!
SD-1 GT Mod
What's in the SD-1 GT Mod Kit
Boss SD-1 GT DIY Pedal Mod Kits - This is my third mod for a Boss SD-1. This mod is built around a 2N3440 Transistor. A 2N3440 Transistor in this circuit, along with a few other tweaks here and there, transforms this pedal into an absolute tone monster! This mod combines the positive qualities of my first two SD-1 Mods to create an unbelievably great overdrive. The SD-808 is one of my personal favorites. Some say it's the best SD-1 mod available. The SD-1 GT is more transparent than either of my other two SD-1 Mods. It has a very slight mid boost which helps you stand out in a mix. But the real magic happens in the upper frequencies. If you've ever played a vintage Script Dyna Comp or Ross compressor you've experienced the magic that happens in the upper range of those pedal and give them the magic that pro players rave about. That same magic is present in my SD-1 GT Mod. Note clarity is the best of any pedal mod I sell to date. My RAT 2 Fat Rat Mod comes very close but the GT has a tad better note clarity. Think early Led Zepplin Tone here.
I've also incorporated two switches into the SD-1 GT Mod. One switch adds presence and gain while the other switch toggles between Asymmetrical (Boss) and Symmetrical (Ibanez) Clipping. There are a ton of tonal options available here. Want clean boost. No problem. Want note articulation and clarity. No problem. Want smooth creamy overdrive. No problem. Want a combination of them all. You got it. Very versatile Mod that offers a wide pallet of tonal colors. To add a little icing on the cake I am including the extremely popular and quiet OPA2134PA Burr Brown op-amp. So, you thought the SD-808 was a great mod? Wait till you hear the GT!
TS808 Mods
Burr Brown Chip Mod
Symmetrical Clipping Switch Mod
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Super Smooth Gain Mod
Clarity Mods
2N3440 Transistor Mod
2X Gain Switch Mod
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
With this Kit you will receive a 3mm Super Bright White LED, two Tantalum Capacitors, two Metal Film Capacitors, one Carbon Film Resistor, three Carbon Composition resistors, one 1N4002 Diode, one 2N3440 Transistor, Burr Brown OPA2134PA Opamp with socket, Two Switches, 24 Ga. Wire, Heat Shrink Tubing, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
SD-1 GT Sound Sample - This mp3 was recorded on a Strat with a DiMarzio PAF Pro at the bridge and two DiMarzio Virtual Vintage pups at the neck and middle positions. The amp was a 1975 Fender Super Reverb and the mic was a SM57. Some parts of the mp3 were recorded with the bridge pickup coil split.
SD-1 GT Sound Sample - This mp3 was graciously submitted by Simon Bowker. You can visit Simon's Band's website "The Fuse" by clicking here. Simon used the following gear to record "Phantom". GT Modded SD-1, Opto Modded CS-3, TC Electronic Nova Delay, Fender American Standard Strat, an old Orange Amp from the 70s. Thank you Simon for sharing your music with us!
SD-1 Stacked Plus Mod for Guitar & Bass
What's in the SD-1 Stacked Plus Mod Kit
I've been wanting to incorporate my Dual Stack Adapter into an SD-1 mod for some time. This will be my 3rd mod for the SD-1. The SD-1 is such great mod bait. For $40 new and even less on eBay. The pcb is easy to work on and the stock pedals actually sound decent. I built this one around my new Dual Stack Adapter. The Dual Stack Opamps will give the circuit a tab bit more headroom, less noise and a more natural amp-like gain. The Tri-Gain switch will give you 3 very usable gain modes. I have also added much needed volume to the effect. I've always had to almost max the gain and volume knobs to get a good volume boost. Well, not any more. There's a ton of volume available with the effect on now! Inevitably I'll get the e-mail asking me which mod is the best.
Heck, I like them all! But they are all different. For the person that doesn't like dealing with switches my regular SD-1 and SD-808 mods are the ticket. But for the more adventurous and experienced modders the GT and the Stacked Plus will take you much further tone-wise. And you'll be rewarded for your efforts. For those that feel they need more gain I suggest adding my Dual Gain Upgrade Switch. No need for the Symmetrical Gain Upgrade Switch with the Stacked Plus Mod because I have incorporated that into the Tri-Gain Switch. Tone-wise this mod has a bit more girth than any of my other SD-1 mods. This mod will work great in front of a clean amp and is just magical in front of an already overdriven amp. So as a boost this mod really shines.
But the really cool thing is I designed this mod to work with both Guitar and Bass. No special tweaking necessary. Just plug it in and go. I designed the EQ of the mod so that the modded Version lets the full range of frequencies through. Works great on a bass track for added thickening.
With this Kit you will receive a 3mm Super Bright Blue LED and everything needed to mod your pedal into a fire-breathing tone Monster! High Rez PDF Mod Instructions will be sent to you as an e-mail attachment after purchase.
SD-1 Mod
This is probably the one of the best kept secrets on the planet at $40 USD. This pedal is a sleeper and a steal. New, it is half of what a used TS9 sells for on eBay. What's really amazing is how great this pedal sounds with my $20 Mod. So for $60 and little time you get a pedal that blows away the competition. No hype, this Mod is THAT Good! Even I am shocked at how well this mod turned out. Stock the SD-1 delivers warm fat tones. The stock SD-1 from the factory sounds rather bland and not very transparent. The PCB is almost exactly the same as a Tube Screamer.
The stock SD-1 also comes with the famed JRC4558D opamp chip. You can change the character of the pedal buy swapping out different chips which I now sell above. This mod will make you want to throw away your Tube Screamer. Well, maybe not, but this mod transforms this already good sounding pedal into absolutely one of the best Overdrive pedals sold anywhere at any price! With this mod I tried Carbon Composition, Carbon Film, Metal Film, Tantalum, Rectifier Diodes, LEDs, Germanium Diodes, etc. just to see what affect each one would have on the SD-1's tone. The Mods below are a result of that research and experimentation.
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Super Smooth Gain Mod
Clarity Mods
Germanium Diode Mod
2X Gain Mod
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
With this Kit you will receive Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
With this mod I take the SD-1 and mod it to TS808 specs. The circuit of the SD-1 is very similar to the TS9. This mod includes all the mods in my regular SD-1 mod, plus you get three extra components that will take the SD-1 to TS808 specs. I have also included a RC4558P chip. The stock SD-1 comes with the JRC4558DD op-amp chip. Some feel the RC4558P is a better sounding chip than the JRC4558DD in the SD-1 circuit. I also include a 3mm Super Bright Blue LED and a resistor replacement that will increase the brightness of the LED. What's really amazing is how great this pedal sounds with this Mod.
I also include the symmetrical clipping mod for those that prefer Ibanez TS808 clipping over Boss asymmetrical clipping. This mod is absolutely the best SD-1 mod sold anywhere by anyone at any price! The complexity of the tone after the mod is startling. We also mod the clipping section to symmetrical clipping like Ibanez uses in the TS9. You can also change the character of the pedal buy swapping out different chips which I now sell above. Compared to my regular SD-1 mod this mod will take the SD-1 and add presence and much more complexity of tone. It’s like taking a blanket off the speaker in your amp. The tone is very open, airy and transparent. Very smooth, yet biting gain. Controlled feedback and sustain is incredible with this mod. This is the ultimate SD-1 mod!
TS808 Mods
RC4558P Chip Mod
Symmetrical Clipping Mod
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Super Smooth Gain Mod
Clarity Mods
Diode Mod
2X Gain Mod
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
With this Kit you will receive a two Tantalum Capacitors, four Metal Film Capacitors, three Boxed Metal Film Capacitors, one Carbon Film Resistor, three Carbon Composition resistors, three 1N4002 Rectifier Diodes, a RC4558P op-amp chip with socket, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
SD-808 Sound Sample - This mp3 was recorded on a Strat with a DiMarzio PAF Pro at the bridge and two DiMarzio Virtual Vintage pups at the neck and middle positions. The amp was a 1975 Fender Super Reverb and the mic was a SM57. Some parts of the mp3 were recorded with the bridge pickup coil split.
Sean Borton mp3s - These mp3s were graciously supplied by Sean Borton. The clips are from Sean's latest album "What a Party". Sean is playing a Strat w/EMG SA (Vintage) pups through a Vox AC30 set to a clean setting. You can visit Sean's band here Thank you Sean for letting me use these clips. Man, what great tone Sean, Awesome!
Special thanx to Juan Pablo Tomas for making this Youtube video.
VINTAGE V2 reissue Telecaster on the computer as a clean signal (no amps used) and then I passed the track through the boss sd-1 before and after the mod. So as I used no amp the sound is quite raw but the differences are quite obvious.
Awesome! Thank you Pablu!
Stock SD-1 VS SD-808 - This Youtube Video was graciously submitted by Loic Bronner. Thank You Loic for taking the time to make it and for sharing it with us!
SD-1 Symmetrical Gain Upgrade Kits
What's in the Mod Kit
Works With Both Regular SD-1 & SD-808 SD-1 Mods! This kit allows users of my regular SD-1 and SD-808 Mod Kits to upgrade to a Symmetrical Clipping Circuit. Notice: This Symmetrical Gain Upgrade kit may be used on any stock or modded SD-1. With this kit you can switch between Symmetrical (Ibanez) and Asymmetrical (Boss) clipping. Symmetrical clipping is a little smoother and has a little less bite than the Boss Asymmetrical clipping. It's a nice option to have on any SD-1.
With this Kit you will receive one 1N4002 Diode, one Toggle Switch, 24 Ga. Wire and Heat Shrink Tubing. Very easy to follow illustrated instructions are sent VIA e-mail attachment along with paper instructions sent with the parts.
Hear For Yourself! (.mp3)
SD-1 Switch Sound Sample - This mp3 was recorded on a Strat with Fender SCN Pickups. Switches were set to Symmetrical Gain and The Stock Lower Gain Side of the switches The SD-1 is set to 10 O'clock on both the Volume and Tone and the Gain is set to 9 O'clock. The amp was a stock 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and the mic was a SM57. My Opto CS3 mod is used in front of the SD-1 to fatten it up a bit.
Works With Both Regular SD-1 & SD-808 SD-1 Mods! SD-1 Dual Gain Upgrade Kit - This kit allows users of my regular SD-1 and SD-808 Mod Kits to upgrade to a Dual-Gain Circuit. Notice: This Dual-Gain Upgrade kit may be used on any stock or modded SD-1. With this kit you can switch between the stock lower gain mode for clean boost and smoother gain and a 2X Gain setting that will give the circuit both added presence and double the amount of gain. This mod makes for a very versatile SD-1.
With this Kit you will receive one 2.2k-ohm Resistor, one Toggle Switch, 24 Ga. Wire and Heat Shrink Tubing. Very easy to follow illustrated instructions are sent VIA e-mail attachment along with paper instructions sent with the parts.
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Daddy-O TNT Mod
What's in the Daddy-O TNT Mod Kit
Stock, this pedal is a fizz factory. The gain knob does almost nothing up to about 3 O'clock and then radically saturates with tons of gain. About the only usable setting is as a clean boost with the gain almost all the way down. I have evened out the gain knob so it is now an even transition from clean to full gain.
I have also completely removed the raspy fizz. Notes and chords now explode off the neck of the guitar. With this mod the Daddy-O becomes a take-no-prisoners Tone Machine that explodes with the most amazing solid wall of overdrive you've ever heard. With this mod the Daddy-O is unlike any distortion or overdrive I've ever heard. It is now truly the King of Punch that explodes into tonal bliss!
Tube-Tone Mods
Smoother Gain Mods
Smoother Highs Mod
Dynamics Mods
Clarity Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
Hear For Yourself! (.mp3) This mp3 was recorded on a Strat with a DiMarzio PAF Pro at the bridge and two DiMarzio Virtual Vintage pups at the neck and middle positions. The amp was a stock 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and the mic was a SM57.
With this Kit you will receive one RC4558P Opamp chip with 8 pin socket, four Metal Film Capacitors, two Tantalum Capacitors, two Carbon Film Resistors, two 1N4002 Rectifier Diodes, 5mm Super Bright Green LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
IMPORTANT - Danelectro has changed the circuit of the Daddy-O. They have switched to using smd components. Please note that my mods will NOT work with this new design and I will not be offering a mod for it. The tiny smd components are next to impossible to mod or replace. If you are buying a mod for your Daddy-O open your pedal up and make sure it looks like this. If it does my mods will work with your pedal.
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Daddy-O CMAT Tri-Gain Upgrade Kits
What's in the Kit
This kit allows users of my regular Daddy-O Mod Kit to upgrade to a Tri-Gain Clipping Circuit. Notice: This Tri-Gain Upgrade kit may be used to replace any diode in any pedals clipping Circuit.
This kit adds a ton of tonal options to my regular Daddy-O Mod.
With this Kit you will receive:
Two 3mm Red LEDs,
Two 1N4002 Diodes,
One Toggle Switch,
24 Ga. Wire with Shrink Tubing.
Very easy to follow illustrated instructions are sent VIA e-mail attachment along with paper instructions sent with the parts.
IMPORTANT - Danelectro has changed the circuit of the Daddy-O. They have switched to using smd components. Please note that my mods will NOT work with this new design and I will not be offering a mod for it. The tiny smd components are next to impossible to mod or replace. If you are buying a mod for your Daddy-O open your pedal up and make sure it looks like this. If it does my mods will work with your pedal.
Daddy-O TNT Tri-Gain Mod!
What's in the TNT Tri-Gain Mod Kit
Chad Matthews of CMATMODS and I came up with this mod. I knew when I tried it I had to offer it as an option on my Daddy-O Mod. This Tri-Gain Mod will add a ton of tonal options to an already great sounding Daddy-O Mod.
With this switch we will toggle between two 1N4002 Diodes and two 3mm Red LEDs. So you get the smooth, creamy saturation of the 1N4002 Diodes and a Volume Boost that the LEDs will give the circuit.
With the switch in the middle position all diodes are bypassed which will give you a huge volume boost and will allow you to get a much cleaner gain. You'll find that the LEDs will add volume, bass, a very smooth gain plus a ton of thick sustain.
Tri-Gain Switch Mod
Tube-Tone Mods
Smoother Gain Mods
Smoother Highs Mod
Dynamics Mods
Clarity Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
Hear For Yourself! (.mp3)
This mp3 was recorded on a Strat with a DiMarzio PAF Pro at the bridge and two DiMarzio Virtual Vintage pups at the neck and middle positions. The amp was a stock 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and the mic was a SM57.
IMPORTANT - Danelectro has changed the circuit of the Daddy-O. They have switched to using smd components. Please note that my mods will NOT work with this new design and I will not be offering a mod for it. The tiny smd components are next to impossible to mod or replace. If you are buying a mod for your Daddy-O open your pedal up and make sure it looks like this. If it does my mods will work with your pedal
With this Kit you will receive a Toggle Switch, Heat Shrink Tubing, 24 Ga. Wire, Two 3mm Red LEDs RC4558P Opamp chip with 8 pin socket, four Metal Film Capacitors, two Tantalum Capacitors, two Carbon Film Resistors, two 1N4002 Rectifier Diodes, 5mm Super Bright 5mm Green LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
PLEASE READ- This is my GO-TO pedal when I play with our Church Choir. Do yourself a favor and buy this kit if you own a Daddy-O. You can buy these on eBay for $25 or less. Buy a used Daddy-O on eBay and install this kit. In front of a clean setting on my Fender Cyber Deluxe the LED side of the switch sounds like a Plexi Marshall. No kidding folks. Most write this pedal off and if you've ever played one stock you'll know why. With my TNT Tri-Gain Kit you'll get a Plexi in a box. No Kidding! You can Thank me later! Monte Allums
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Boss-Style DC Power Jack Mod Kit
This kit will convert your DC Power Jack to the Boss-Style type DC Power Jack. Kit includes DC Power Jack and Easy-to-follow Instructions.
Digitech Bad Monkey Screamin' Mod Kit
What's in the Bad Monkey Screamin' Mod Kit
With the Kit you will receive a HiRez Full-Color Very Detailed PDF of Instructions that are very easy to follow. PDF Instructions are sent after Paypal payment has been received and is sent to the e-mail address on your Paypal account. You'll receive everything you see here. The 5mm replacement LED I supply is a Super Bright Green color.
I've gotten a ton of requests for this mod. Please note, this mod is not for the faint of heart. It includes replacing tiny smd components and working on a very delicate circuit. But if you're the adventurous type and confident of your skills this mod will take the Bad Monkey into new territory. The Screamin' Mod is Fat and Brutal! The Bad Monkey is essentially a Tube Screamer circuit. The amazing part is I got my pedal off eBay for $30 shipped! They are dirt cheap!
When time permits I will record some sound bites.
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TS9DX Tri-Gain Mod
What's in the TS9DX Tri-Gain Kit
Well, I have been listening to your requests and have given them to you in this mod. You wanted more gain, you got it, you wanted more clarity, you got it, a brighter LED, you got it. You wanted me to incorporate Tri-Gain and Presence Switches like I offer in my TS9 TG Mod, well you got them! With these mods I feel this is now the best TS9DX Mod available by anyone at any price. The combinations available with the mode knob make this an extremely versatile overdrive.
The two TS9 modes are perfect for electric guitar with gobs of vibe and smooth overdrive. The Hot and Turbo modes can also be used with electric guitar but in my opinion just rock when used with a bass guitar and will give you mucho bass with thick creamy mids and a velvety thick overdrive. So one pedal, two uses.
RC4558P Chip Mod
8-Pin Chip Socket
Brown Mod
Hi-Fi Mods
Presence Switch
Tri-Gain Gain Mod
Better Clean Boost Mod
Brighter LED Mod
TS9DX.mp3 Coming Soon.
With the Kit you will receive a RC4558P chip, an 8-Pin Chip Socket so you can swap out Different chips, Tri-Gain & Presence Switch Mods, 10k-ohm & 100-ohm Carbon Composition Resistors for the "Brown Mod", two Tantalum Capacitors, Metal Film Capacitors, Metal and Carbon Film Resistors, 5mm Super Bright White LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
TS-9, TS-808 & OD-9 Tri-Gain Mod
What's in the TS-9, TS-808 & OD-9 Tri-Gain Mod
NOTE: The Maxon OD-9, TS9, TS808 & TS-808 Pro have the exact same PC Board.
Our TS9 Kit will also work with a TS808 and a Maxon OD-9. Well, I have been listening to your requests and have given them to you in this mod. You wanted more gain, you got it, you wanted more clarity, you got it, a brighter LED, you got it, you wanted us to incorporate our popular Tri-Gain Option and you now have it.
With these mods I feel this is now the best Tube Screamer Mod available by anyone at any price. The combinations available with the two switches make this an extremely versatile overdrive.
We've doubled the gain and added a Tri-Gain Switch that lets you choose between two LEDs, two 1N914 Diodes and a Diode Lift in the middle position. The LEDs will give you a coarser gain that is thick and fat with added bass and volume. The 1N914 side will give you the stock gain of a Tube Screamer and the middle Diode Lift position gives you an incredible volume boost with tons of crunch. The other switch toggles between two Metal Film Capacitors of different values. One of the Capacitors firms up the mids and bass while the other Capacitor adds presence and clarity. Very useful when switching between both single-coil and humbucker equipped guitars. One of our most popular mods just got better!
Tube Screamer Tri-Gain Sound Sample - This mp3 was recorded on a Strat with a DiMarzio PAF Pro at the bridge and two DiMarzio Virtual Vintage pups at the neck and middle positions. The amp was a 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and the mic was a SM57.
With the Kit you will receive a RC4558P chip, an 8-Pin Chip Socket so you can swap out Different chips, 10k-ohm & 100-ohm Carbon Composition Resistors for the "Brown Mod", two Tantalum Capacitors, Metal Film Capacitors, Metal and Carbon Film Resistors, two 3mm Red LEDs, 5mm Super Bright White LED, two 1N914 Diodes, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
Pedal Type
RC4558P Chip Mod
8-Pin Chip Socket
Hi-Fi Mods
Tri- Gain Switch Mod
Presence Switch Mod
More Gain Mod
Better Clean Boost Mod
Brighter LED Mod
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I will be adapting the above mod to the TS7 and TS5 and maybe a couple of the Maxon Overdrives as well. Please do not e-mail me about the availability of them. When I am happy with the adaptation of the Tri-Gain mod with these pedals I will release them. I have no idea how long this will take so please be patient. Just creating the instructions alone is a very time-consuming task. So, please do not e-mail me about the availability of these mods. Also, please do not ask me to upgrade you to the above mod if you have purchased one of our previous Tube Screamer mods. I will not be offering an upgrade for them. The reason is I don't feel the Tri-Gain switch alone would be a good upgrade for them. There are other components that need to be changed to take advantage of the switches. Monte Allums
Tube Screamer Mods
What's in the Tube Screamer Kit
NOTE: The TS9 and TS808 have the exact same PC Board. Our TS9 Kit will also work with a TS808. These Mod Kits are the result of months of research. I took several Mods that others are performing on the net and performed them on a Tube Screamer. The ones I liked I kept. But I went further, I painstakingly tweaked each Mod to perfection.
I tried different Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes (Carbon Composite, Metal Film, Tantalum, Germanium, etc.) and I used the best analyzers in the World (My Ears) to determine which sounded the best. I discovered that there's an awful lot of hype and Mojo floating around about the Tube Screamer. This DIY Kit Goes Way Beyond a TS-808. Although, it does include the famous Texas Instruments RC4558P chip and the famous "Brown Mod". But this Kit doesn't stop there.
RC4558P Chip Mod
8-Pin Chip Socket
Brown Mod
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Smoother Gain Mod
More Transparent Tone Mod
With the Kit you will receive a RC4558P chip, an 8-Pin Chip Socket so you can swap out Different chips, 10k-ohm & 100-ohm Carbon Composition Resistors for the "Brown Mod", two Tantalum Capacitors, three Metal Film Capacitors, two Metal Film Capacitors, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
These mp3s were played on a Custom-Built Strat with a Special Tuning System I invented called the "eNut". Notice how incredibly in tune all the mp3s are. With this system you can accomplish amazing intonation on any guitar. Other system are 2X to 10X its cost and don't work as well.
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MXR Vintage Dyna Comp True Bypass, LED, Boss Style DC Jack & TrebleBox Bright Switch Mod Kit
What's in this MXR Mod Kit
This mod works with the early Vintage Dynas and the Newer Vintage Reissue. Make sure your Dyna looks like these pcbs.
With this kit I add a DPDT TrebleBox Bright Switch, 5mm Super bright White LED, Boss Style DC Jack and 3PDT True Bypass Switching. Filtering cap and reverse protection diode have also been included for seamless operation. Why pay someone $80 to perform this mod when you can do it yourself for much less?
The Dyna is notorious for bleeding highs off the circuit. I have added a SPDT switch with three modes. One is the stock tone, one is a little brighter and one removes the cap completely adding even more highs. This is a very cool mod that really opens up the pedal. Try it with a 12-string electric and bask in the tones you'll hear.
WARNING! - There are currently 4 versions of the Dyna Comp. A Vintage Version, and three New Versions Dunlop is currently selling. There's a Revision "D" and Revision" E" and Revision "F". Please click on the following links to see which version you need to order. You'll need to open up your Dyna and view the PCB. IMPORTANT - I will not be offering a mod for the new Revision "F" Version. NOTE: IF YOUR PEDALS PCB LOOKS LIKE ONE OF THE PICS I OFFER A MOD FOR MY MOD WILL WORK WITH YOUR PEDAL, EVEN IF IT HAS ANOTHER REVISION LETTER WRITTEN ON THE PCB.
VINTAGE_____REVISION "D"______REVISION "E"______REVISION "F" Each kit will be slightly different. The Vintage and Revision "D" kit are almost exactly the same. The New Revision "E" already comes with the CA3080AE Chip and Metal Film Capacitors so those components are not included with that kit. That is the reason the price is slightly lower. NOTE: It appears my Dyna Comp Rev. E Mod will work with the MXR Super Comp. Just make sure the pcb looks like the pic I have for Revision E above. But be warned, some of the new Super Comps use smd components. Your Super Comp must look like this for my mod to work.
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MXR Vintage Dyna Comp TrebleBox Mod Kit
What's in this MXR Mod Kit
This mod works with the early Vintage Dynas and the Newer Vintage Reissue. Make sure your Dyna looks like these pcbs.
With this kit I add a DPDT Bright Switch that adds three treble-mode options.
Into a clean amp, the TrebleBox Bright setting is ideal for sparkling Strat tones. Bright is also the way to go with the Dano 12 for the Beatles, Byrds, Tom Petty, etc. Middle setting into a clean amp gets a good country chickin pickin sound. Also gets into Orange Squeezer territory. Distorted sounds are louder and clearer. Chords ring out with all their overtones and harmonics, and single-note lines just sing. Try it with a 12-string electric and bask in the tones you'll hear.
THIS MOD ONLY WORKS WITH THE VINTAGE DYNA & VINTAGE REISSUE WARNING! - There are currently 4 versions of the Dyna Comp. A Vintage Version, and three New Versions Dunlop is currently selling. There's a Revision "D" and Revision" E" and Revision "F". Please click on the following links to see which version you need to order. You'll need to open up your Dyna and view the PCB. IMPORTANT - I will not be offering a mod for the new Revision "F" Version. NOTE: IF YOUR PEDALS PCB LOOKS LIKE ONE OF THE PICS I OFFER A MOD FOR MY MOD WILL WORK WITH YOUR PEDAL, EVEN IF IT HAS ANOTHER REVISION LETTER WRITTEN ON THE PCB.
VINTAGE_____REVISION "D"______REVISION "E"______REVISION "F" Each kit will be slightly different. The Vintage and Revision "D" kit are almost exactly the same. The New Revision "E" already comes with the CA3080AE Chip and Metal Film Capacitors so those components are not included with that kit. That is the reason the price is slightly lower. NOTE: It appears my Dyna Comp Rev. E Mod will work with the MXR Super Comp. Just make sure the pcb looks like the pic I have for Revision E above. But be warned, some of the new Super Comps use smd components. Your Super Comp must look like this for my mod to work.
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MXR Dyna Comp DIY Pedal Mod Kits
What's in the MXR Mod Kit
The MXR Dyna Comp Compressor is a popular favorite among many guitarists such as Pete Townsend and David Gilmour. Stock, this pedal sounds decent but lacks fullness, bass and clarity. It does a good job at the under $100 price point. For a better Compressor you'll have to spend $200 to $250 on either a vintage Ross or one of the other custom built Compressors you see on sold on eBay. The Dyna Comp can be made to sound equally as good as Compressors costing two to three times its cost by changing a few of its components.
What sets the more expensive Compressors apart from these mass produced pedals are the quality of the components used in them. By swapping out these cheaper quality parts with more expensive higher quality components and changing a few values here and there you can substantially improve the quality of the effect of the Dyna Comp. I've played compressors costing $300 that don't sound any better than a Dyna Comp that has been modded with this Mod Kit. By changing out a few components here and there this pedal will compete with boutique pedals costing much much more. Do yourself a favor and upgrade your Dyna Comp with this Mod Kit. You'll be floored by the quality of the tone this Mod Kit will give your Dyna Comp.
Several Hi-Fi Mods
Fuller Tone Mod
Clarity Mods
Desoldering Braid
Easy-to-Follow Instructions
WARNING! - There are currently 4 versions of the Dyna Comp. A Vintage Version, and three New Versions Dunlop is currently selling. There's a Revision "D" and Revision" E" and Revision "F". Please click on the following links to see which version you need to order. You'll need to open up your Dyna and view the PCB. IMPORTANT - I will not be offering a mod for the new Revision "F" Version. NOTE: IF YOUR PEDALS PCB LOOKS LIKE ONE OF THE PICS I OFFER A MOD FOR MY MOD WILL WORK WITH YOUR PEDAL, EVEN IF IT HAS ANOTHER REVISION LETTER WRITTEN ON THE PCB.
VINTAGE_____REVISION "D"______REVISION "E"______REVISION "F" Each kit will be slightly different. The Vintage and Revision "D" kit are almost exactly the same. The New Revision "E" already comes with the CA3080AE Chip and Metal Film Capacitors so those components are not included with that kit. That is the reason the price is slightly lower. NOTE: It appears my Dyna Comp Rev. E Mod will work with the MXR Super Comp. Just make sure the pcb looks like the pic I have for Revision E above. But be warned, some of the new Super Comps use smd components. Your Super Comp must look like this for my mod to work.
With the Vintage and Rev. D Kits you will receive one CA3080E chip, five 2SC1849 Transistors, one Tantalum Capacitor, five Metal Film Capacitors, three 1N34A Germanium Diodes, 5mm Super Bright Green LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow Mod Instructions. With the Rev. E Kit you will receive five 2SC1849 Transistors, one Metal Film Capacitor, three 1N34A Germanium Diodes, 5mm Super Bright Green LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
Dyna Comp Sound Sample - These mp3s were recorded on a Strat with a DiMarzio PAF Pro at the bridge and two DiMarzio Virtual Vintage pups at the neck and middle positions. The amp was a 1975 Fender Super Reverb and the mic was a SM57. Some parts of the mp3 were recorded with the bridge pickup on the Strat coil split.
Chris Condon mp3 - Graciously submitted by Chris Condon ( Played through a BD-2 modded with my Blues Stack Mod and one of my Dyna Modded Dyna Comps. Chris is a pro player that took time out of his busy touring schedule to make this for me. Thank you Chris. Blues_Stack_Dyna_Comp.mp3
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YDR & RAT 2 Fat Rat Tri-Gain Mod
In the YDR & RAT 2 Fat Rat Tri-Gain Mod
This mod works with the YDR (You Dirty RAT) (Which is Made in the USA BTW) and some of the RAT 2 (USA Production) ProCo pedals and according to a client I just spoke with my mod also works on the New Turbo RATS, but always open the pedal up and check your pcb against the pics here. Proco is notorious for changing their circuits. The really cool thing about this mod is there is virtually no difference in the PCB Layout of the YDR and the RAT 2 that I offer a mod for. IMPORTANT Your RAT 2 must have a pcb that looks exactly like this. If your RAT 2 doesn’t look exactly like the one in the pic this mod will not work with your pedal. So please do not e-mail me and ask if it will. I will not be offering any RAT 2 mods except for the one I offer here. But, for those of you wanting to try my RAT 2 mod I suggest you buy a new or used YDR (You Dirty RAT) and perform this mod on it.
The only difference between these two pedals (YDR & RAT 2) is the clipping diodes, which I replace in the mod anyway. So, after the mod, the two pedals will be exactly the same. Let me say right off that I am well aware that the new production RAT 2s are now made in China. The problems with these Chinese production pedals are well documented. The quality of the parts is very poor and I do not recommend you try to mod them. There are instances where the pots have simply fallen apart. The YDR and the RAT 2 I offer a mod for here are both made in the USA and the quality of the parts are very good and will stand up to the modding process very well and they are True Bypass! I absolutely love my modded YDR and RAT 2.
They are, by far, one of the best OD/Distortion pedals (post mod) on the market at any price point. My modded YDR and RAT 2 will do overdrive and distortion and all points in between. It will even do a Clean Boost! I have added bass, flattened the mids and also added focus to the gain. The mod will give you this very warm and FAT sustain. There’s a slight mid boost that helps you cut through a mix, for both recording and live performing. NOTE As far as I know there is only one YDR pcb layout in existence. But, ProCo is known for changing the circuit in their pedals at the drop of a hat. So I highly recommend taking the battery cover off and looking inside to make sure your YDR or RAT 2 looks exactly like this. If they do not, this mod will not work with your pedal. BTW, this mod is a little different than my first RAT 2 mod.
With this Kit you will receive a LM308N Opamp, Toggle Switch, Heat Shrink Tubing, 22 Ga. Wire, Two 3mm Red LEDs, one 5mm Super Bright White LED, three Metal Film Capacitors, one Carbon Composite Resistor, one Metal Film Resistor, One Tantalum Capacitor, one 220uF Capacitor, three 1N4002 Rectifier Diodes, 5mm Super Bright White LED, Solder and Desoldering Braid along with detailed easy-to-follow High Rez PDF Mod Instructions sent to you as an e-mail attachment.
FAT RAT 2 Sound Samples - Played entirely through a ProCo RAT 2 modded with our Mod Kit. Played on A Strat through a 2000 Fender Hot Rod Deluxe amp mic'd with a SM57. All of the Tri-Gain positions were used when making this mp3. Both Single Coil and Humbuckers were used. Notice the clarity and dynamics in the mp3. This distortion is unlike any other we sell. Incredible clarity and dynamics with this mod!
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Opamp Adapter Mod Kits
Opamp Adapter Mod Kits Installed
How often have you wished you could swap out those crappy stock inline chips for a Burr Brown OPA2134PA, JRC4558D, RC4558P or one of the other popular Dual Opamp Chips? Well, now you can with this adapter and an 8 Pin Chip Socket. Simply remove the stock inline chip, pop in the adapter, socket, and your favorite opamp and experience the variety of tone that swapping opamps will give you.
Kit comes with the Adapter and a Chip Socket for swapping out Dual Opamp Chips. This is a very cool mod and I have personally had a blast swapping out chips in a variety of pedals. You will need to make sure that the chip you want to replace has enough clearance above the chip to accommodate the adapter. For pedals such as the BD-2, that have limited room for the adapter, I am selling Socket Extenders which you'll find sold below.
You will use the Socket Extender to raise the adapter and chip so the legs of the adapter may be bent over (see illustration below). This will give you room to install the Adapter Mod in a pedal like the BD-2 that has limited space. In the illustration below notice how the Socket Extender allows the Adapter Legs to be bent. This allows the Chip Adapter to be installed in pedals that have limited room. NOTE: These Socket Adapters may also be used to socket diodes, resistors, caps, etc. This makes swapping out components very convenient.
In the pictures above I have replaced sone of the stock inline chips of pedals with my new Adapters and Socketed Burr Brown OPA2134PA Chips. The results are unbelievably good. The OPA2134PA gives the Sustainia Tri-Gain Mod more clarity and note definition while in other pedals will render lower noise and a more focused tone. I also replaced a LM308N in my OD-308 with stacked LM308Ns.
Single DIP Adapter - Kit Includes Chip Adapter, Chip Socket & Installation Instructions
With/Without Socket
Dual Stacked DIP Adapter - Kit Includes Chip Adapter, Two Chip Sockets & Installation Instructions
With/Without Sockets
DIP to Dual Stacked Adapter - Kit Includes Chip Adapter, Two Chip Sockets & Installation Instructions
With/Without Sockets
A Word About Stacking Opamps Stacking opamps has been around for many years. Dave Barber reintroduced it to the DIY community a while back. There are some advantages. First thing I noticed was slightly more output volume. Not a lot but noticeable nonetheless. And depending on the circuit you'll get different tones from mixing and matching opamps. Sometimes two of the same type works best, sometimes not. I have chosen the combinations I feel sounded the best in the mods I offer. But, the fun is in experimentation so feel free to mix and match. Other things I noticed in my experimentation was slightly less noise and more headroom. The complexity of tone can be much improved with stacking opamps. Fullness and harmonic content seem to be enhanced also.
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DIP8 to 8-Pin Single Opamp Socket Extenders
Socket Extenders - Sold in Units of 8
Use these Socket Extenders to install the Chip Adapter in pedals with limited space such as the BD-2. See the illustration above. The Socket Extender allows the legs of the Chip Adapter to be bent to allow it to lay closer to the PCB allowing the Chip Adapter to be installed in pedals with limited room.
NOTE: These Socket Adapters may also be used to socket diodes, resistors, caps, etc. This makes swapping out components very convenient and easy. By adding a socket where the component is on the PCB you can easily swap out different components without resoldering. Just solder a socket in each of the components holes and make experimenting simple and easy.
By Units of Eight I mean you'll get what you see in the picture at the left. That is 8 individual sockets not 8 sets of 8.
Boss TR-2 Plus Mod Kit Now with Flashing LED Rate Mod
What's In the TR-2 Plus Mod Kit
There are currently two versions of the TR-2. The new TR-2 has a PCB that looks like this. The older version has a PCB that looks like this. Make sure you open your TR-2 up to see which version you have before you order.
Well, you asked for it and here it is. The stock TR-2 is noisy and has a volume loss when engaged. With this mod I have fixed each issue. I have also incorporated my new Dual Stacked Chip Adapter Mod using a very high quality Burr Brown OPA2134PA and RC4558P Chips. The effect is like lifting a blanket off the pedals tone. I can boldly say without a doubt this is now one of the best Tremolos available in a stomp box at any price point.
With this mod I have incorporated a pot that not only solves the volume loss issue but also now allows the pedal to be used as a clean boost with the depth knob all the way down. I also modify a resistor which increases the brightness of the LED. A BiColor LED is also supplied.
Now With Flashing Rate BiColor LED Mod I have added a new feature to my TR-2 mods. I have added a BiColor LED that will posses 2 functions. BiColor LED is included. One will blink at the Rate the Tremolo effect is set to by the Rate knob and the other will show when the effect is engaged. You can purchase the BiColor LEDs here.
Hear For Yourself! (.mp3)
This mp3 was graciously supplied by Sean Borton. The clip is from Sean's latest album "What a Party". The song is titled "This Little Thing They Call Love". Sean is playing a Gretsch Tennessean through a Vox AC30 set to a clean setting. You can visit Sean's band here Thank you Sean for letting me use this clip. Man, what great tone Sean, Awesome!
If you're looking for a clean boost this probably is not the pedal for you. But if you're looking for a take no prisoners Distortion look no further. This pedal stock, is like a swarm of angry bees. No body or focus to the gain at all. It's all over the place.
Not any more. It's now a very smooth, thick, FAT and nasty Distortion. Although it'll do overdrive, that's not the strength of this mod. You want overdrive buy a SD-1 or TS9. If you want a radical Distortion, THEN BUY THIS MOD!
The switch adds two gain options. An LED and a 1N914 diode. The LED adds a thick warm FAT Distortion and the 1N914 will give you a very harmonically rich and FAT gain that will do pinched harmonic as good as any mod I've created so far. The real beauty is you can get a used OS-2 on eBay for cheap.. I paid $40 shipped for the OS-2 I used to creat the mod. 3mm Yellow Super Bright LED is included.
WARNING!There is an older vintage version that my mod will not work with. That version does not have enough room between the input jack and the pcb directly above it to fit the dual stack adapter assembly. I have included a pic to show you which version will and which will not work. Please review this info before placing your order. Review the pichere.
Hear For Yourself!(.mp3) Coming Soon!
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This DC Power Cable Extension Mod allows you to relocate the DC Power Jack from the side of a Pedal to the top of the pedal. How many times have you wished there was a way to relocate the power jack from the side to the top of a pedal. Personally I use a Boss NS-2 and a Daisy Chain Adapter to power several of my pedals on my Board. The problem is some of my pedals such as my OD-308 and VersaDrive have their DC power jack located on the side while my Boss pedals have theirs on the top. This Mod allows me to relocate the power from the side to the top of any pedal. The Cable Extension is 6 inches in length.
Designed to fit over unused male barrel connectors on a daisy chain or power supply, Cable-Caps protect against short circuits that can occur when a live lead touches a metal surface. Fits over standard 5.5 mm diameter barrel plug connectors.
$0.75 Each
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I use these instead of regular cable interconnects. I feel they offer a more convenient and better signal transfer between pedals. They are a big space saver on a board and help to keep things neat and tidy. These are very high quality construction and will last you a lifetime of convenient and toneful service.
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DOD OD-250/YJM308 Gray 250 Tri-Gain Mod Plus NEW!
What's in the DOD OD-250/YJM308 Gray 250 Tri-Gain Mod
Vintage DOD Gray 250 - The Vintage Gray 250 is a highly sought after pedal. Fetching ridiculous prices ($400+) on eBay. With this mod I take the DOD 250 and the YJM308 to Vintage Gray 250 specs. The thing that makes the Vintage 250 Grays so desirable is its articulate warm tone. The 1458 opamp is where the magic starts. Based on availability I will either include the LM1458 or the MC1458. Both have the same specs and to my ears sound identical. I also include a couple of smaller knobs. I have always disliked the huge knobs. Also included is a 3-way switch. This switch toggles between a pair of 1N914 Diodes, a pair of 4002 Diodes and the middle position which lifts the diodes from the circuit giving a huge volume boost and enhanced crunch.
I know I'll inevitably get an e-mail wanting to know if I have a mod for true bypass for these pedals. In my opinion the pedals don't need TB. There's very little capacitance happening with the effect engaged. If you'd like to add an LED or true bypass there's a ton of info on the net on how to do it. I also include a Boss-Style DC Jack Mod to replace the stock DC adapter. Please don't e-mail me about LED and TB mods. I will not be offering those mods.NOTE: The OD 250 & YJM308 pcb boards are exactly the same.
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Boss NS-2 Mod Hi-Fi Plus Mod
What's in the Boss NS-2 Mod Plus
I've used a Boss NS-2 for years. Great for Bass or Guitar. They are a very convenient way to knock down noise. I also use mine to mute my signal when changing guitars and to Daisy Chain power to my other pedals on my board. The NS-2s send and return feature makes it a very handy tool in any rig. The stock NS-2 is a great tool to have but it does suck some of the life from your tone. Itís not as bad as some pedals Iíve played but it does blanket the frequencies a bit.
This is especially noticeable in the higher frequencies. By replacing two of the lower quality opamps with much higher quality opamps, and replacing a few critical components in the circuit with higher quality parts, you'll find the tone of the modded NS-2 to have more clarity and fullness. I also beef up one of the voltage caps. I find this adds a bit of girth and fullness to the mids and bass. With these changes I have substantially improved the tone and effect of the NS-2. You'll also find that the noise threshold knob will now have a more even sweep.
WARNING!- Boss has changed the circuit of the new NS-2s in production. They have switched to using smd components. Please note that my mods will NOT work with this new design and I will not be offering a mod for it. The tiny smd components are next to impossible to mod or replace. If you are buying a mod for your NS-2 open your pedal up and make sure it looks like this. If it does my mods will work with your pedal. Also, there are a couple of non-smd versions that Boss has that my mod will also NOT work with. If your NS-2 looks like this my mod will NOT work with your pedal.
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Boss MD-2 Mega Distortion Mod Plus
What's in the Boss MD-2 Mega Distortion Mod Plus
This pedal is pretty useless stock. The Mega Distortion is somewhat of an odd beast in that it has no clipping section, so there's no way to add a Tri-Gain Switch. All the distortion comes from a two-stage distortion cicuit. Out of the box it's really fizzy and the distortion is all over the place. But it does have a ton of promise. The Gain Boost along with the Distortion, High EQ and Low EQ parametric sweeps actually give the pedal some great versatlity. But first you have to clean up the junk in the circuit and that I have done with this mod.
After the mod you can now actually get some overdriveish type gain from it. Just dial down the Dist and Boost knobs and adjust the EQ and volume to taste. I have adjusted the EQ of the pedal so that at this setting the pedal can almost match the bypass tone. So essentially you could use this as a boost type gain pedal. But that's where any simblance of an overdrive pedal ceases. Dial up the Dist and the Boost Gain and hold on to your hat! Mixing and matching the Boost and Dist Knobs will give you a ton of brutally thick and massive distortion.
With these changes I have taken it to a new level in warmth and thick Distortion. Pinched Harmonics are incredible with this mod. A Shreaders Delight! I like to kick back with some stereo delay and nice reverb and do my best Yngwie Malmsteen impression. Which ain’t a very good one BTW. This is what thick bold analog distortion is suppose to sound like. Used on eBay, a MD-2 can be had for $50 or even less. This makes them excellent mod bait. Enjoy the Mod!
WARNING I have heard that Boss is now manufacturing these with surface mount technology. So just to be sure check that the pcb in your MD-2 looks like this.
MD-2.mp3 Recoreded by Monte Allums directly through a modded MD-2 into Cubase with a bit of reverb. The two rhythm guitars were recorded with a Strat loaded with Hot Fender Noiseless Pups. Leed guitar is a Ibanez JS1000. Listen to the clarity and powerfull tone this mod gives the rhythm tracks that were recorded with a Strat. Great Marshall-Type Vibe! Awesome Mod!
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Boss DF-2 Tri-Gain Plus Mod
What's in the Boss DF-2 Tri-Gain Plus Mod
The Boss DF-2 is a somewhat unique pedal in that it has the ability to do feedback by holding down the pedal switch after engaged. The distortion part of the pedal isn’t terrible but it isn’t great either. Merv Jones, one of our authorized installers in the past was installing this mod for a while now and I asked him if he would mind if I offered it as a kit. He graciously gave his okay. I had never actually heard a DF-2 until I got an e-mail from someone that Merv had performed the mod for telling me that the DF-2 Merv had modded for him was his favorite distortion pedal. This peaked my interest. The client was gracious enough to offer sending his modded DF-2 to me. I was pleasantly surprised when I played through the modded DF-2.
It is one of the thickest, smoothest, fattest distortion pedals I have ever played. So I knew I had to offer a kit for it. This is not exactly an easy mod to perform so if you’re new to modding you might want to send your pedal to Merv and let him do the mod for you. Unlike most pedals you have to disassemble the pedal in order to get to the parts that need to be replaced. But your efforts will be well rewarded. The results after the mod are stunning! Merv deserves a lot of credit for what he has accomplished with this mod. It takes a rather okay sounding pedal and transforms it into a boutique level distortion. No kidding, this is one awesome pedal after the mod!
WARNING I am unsure if there is more than one version of the DF-2. So just to be sure check that the pcb in your FD-2 looks like this.
FD-2.mp3 Recoreded by Monte Allums directly through a modded FD-2 into Cubase with a bit of reverb. The two rhythm guitars were recorded with a Strat loaded with Hot Fender Noiseless Pups. Listen to the clarity and powerfull tone this mod gives the rhythm tracks that were recorded with a Strat. Great Marshall-Type Vibe! Awesome Mod!
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Boss BF-2 & BF-2B Flanger Plus Mod
What's in the Boss BF-2 & BF-2B Flanger Plus Mod
First off, the pcb layout of the BF-2 and the BF-2B are exactly the same so this mod will work will either pedal. The BF-2 is a pretty good sounding flanger stock but it suffers from some nasty artifacts in the effect. The flange is just too metallic and boxy sounding. It also has a bit of hiss that can be quite annoying. But it's still a very desirable effect. It is the same flanger used by The Cure, The Cult, The Police, and even Van Halen and Nirvana. It has a ton of potential for sure. This mod addresses the boxiness, hiss and the weirdness in the EQ and turns it into the effect it should have been to begin with. What you'll get is a very lush, quiet, fat and warm flanger with some very cool effects that just sound awesome!
They will inspire you to play. I have been playing through one in tandem with my OD-308 and a modded CH-1. The tones are stunning! The vibe is reminiscent of the early Van Halen tones. Fat, thick and lush flange. Played through my Blackface Super Reverb and a Ibanez JS1000 you get this wall of sound that just seems to swim around in your head. Really inspiring to hear! With this mod you'll also get a Bi-Color LED that will flash with the rate of the effect so you can glance at your pedal board and see the pedals flange rate. Plus it just looks cool. If you're looking for nice, lush, full sounding flange this mod is your ticket!
NOTE:I include in the instructions how to convert the BF-2 from ACA 12 Volts to PSA 9 Volts. It is an option and you can certainly choose to keep the pedal 12 volts ACA if you like.
WARNING I am unsure if there is more than one version of the BF-2. So just to be sure check that the pcb in your BF-2 looks like this.
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Big Muff Pi NYC Tri-Gain Mod
What's in the Big Muff Pi NYC Tri-Gain Mod
The stock Big Muff Pi New York City Version has potential but that's about all it has. It just falls apart in a mix or live band setting. There's just no meat with those potatoes. With this mod I have done two things. I first flattened out the EQ, added mids and sweetened the highs and brought the bass and mids back in focus. Second I have evened out the gain and added much needed focus and harmonic saturation. But that loose Hendrix type fuzz vibe has been enhanced and tightened. This is the closest I have ever gotten to those "Foxy Lady" and "Purple Haze" tones. That's the only reason I bought this pedal. I knew it had a great foundation for that tone. In all honesty I've had this pedal for a few years and have attempted to finalize a mod for it during that time.
This was a hard nut to crack! But my persistence did pay off and I've had a blast duplicating those early Hendrix tones with my modded BMP. In my research I found that many of the BMPs use basically the same layout with different values, so if you can read a schematic you can adapt this mod to many of those versions. When time permits I will eventually create mods for a few of them. So please do not phone or e-mail me about them. I will work on them when I get a chance. Right now I am busy expanding my product line with more products and there are only so many hours in a day. So please be patient. The mod also includes a Boss-style power Jack to replace the stock power jack. I also include a very cool 5mm Super Bright Blue LED to replace the red stock LED.
WARNING For this mod to work with you BMP your pcb must look exactly like this.
BMP_NYC.mp3 Played through a Strat into a modded BMP into a Black Faced Super Reverb. Mic'd with a SM57. Delay added in Cubase. Just a rendition of Purple Haze and Foxy Lady sorta blended together to show the classic tones this mod can achieve. If you're looking for the old classic Rock tones then you'll be extremely happy with this mod!
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MXR M-104 Distortion Plus Tri-Gain Mod
What's in the MXR M-104 Distortion Plus Tri-Gain Mod
This mod is for the newer version, not the vintage version of the Distortion Plus. Here's what your pcb should look like.
In my opinion, stock, this pedal is terrible. At low volume it's just okay but as you dial up the gain the effect just falls apart and gets extremely thin and loses bottom. Plus the distortion is fizzy and all over the place. The pedal would be okay for a boost at lower gain but there's hardly any volume with the gain dialed down. So what I did was add bass to the circuit, add volume and remove the spiky and fizzy highs. I added a SPDT switch with 3 modes. With the mod applied this pedal is transformed into a great boost/distortion pedal that is both FAT and Cruchy. Although you can get some very smooth type overdrive from the mod that is not its strength. With the gain dialed up in front of either a clean or already overdriven amp you get harmonically rich tones that will explode off the neck of the guitar.
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MXR Classic Distortion & Distortion III Tri-Gain Mod
What's in the MXR Classic Distortion & Distortion III Tri-Gain Mod
The MXR Distortion III and the Classic Distortion are exactly the same pedal. So this mod will work with both. Here's what your pcb will look like.
Stock these pedals are really not too bad, but with the mods applied this is one awesome OD. In fact, this has become one of my personal favorites. This is a great pedal after the mod to use to juice up an existing overdriven amp or to place in front of a clean amp. Very nice distortion. The 3-way switch makes this a very versatile pedal. Middle position allows it to be used as a boost.
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Allums OD-308 Version 4 Upgrade
What's in the Allums OD-308 Version 4 Upgrade
I have been listening to your requests. Many wanted more Bass and less of a midhump with more dynamics and Version 4 delivers all three.
This mod will take your current OD-308 up to the latest version which is version 4.
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Allums VersaDrive Version 2 Upgrade
What's in the Allums VersaDrive Version 2 Upgrade
I have been working on this for several months. I wanted to increase the gain and also increase the variation in the different modes. I have also increased the amount of volume for those that are using it as a boost.
The gain is now even more natural than before with harmonics to die for. Teles and Strats will love the bite and roundness of the tone. It just inspires you to play. This kit will give you all the benefits added to an already great pedal.
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Diago 18 Volt Adaptor NEW!
Allows You to Power 18V Pedals or even run your 9V Pedals at 18V
This 18V Adaptor doubles the 9V DC input to 18V DC on the output. Some power supply designs offer 18V by connecting two 9V outputs together using a special cable, but for this you need a power supply with isolated outputs. This adapter simply plugs directly into your existing 9V feed and then into your pedal. That's it!
Combine this adapter with my Dying Battery Mod listed below and you've got a powerful voltage attenuator that will give your pedals the extra added benefits of running higher and lower voltages. Some pedals such as the Dyna Comp and the Big Muff will benefit greatly from varying their voltage.
By increasing your voltage you will get increased headroom and more gain.
NOTE if you want to use this 18V adaptor with any of my mods that use Stacked Opamps you will need to pull one of the opamps from the adapter. Running any of the Dual Stack Adaptors at more than 9V may damage the opamps.
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Dying Battery Voltage Mod NEW!
What's in the Dying Battery Voltage Mod
I created this mod for the Big Muff but it will work with every pedal I now offer a mod for. It is a well know fact that in some circuits as the battery weakens it can have a very positive affect on the pedals tone. On the Big Muff the affect is just plain cool. The gain takes on this very fat blooming gain. Very nice!
And it a very simple mod to do. You will need to drill a hole for the pot but then it's just a matter of connecting a couple of wires and that's it. When time permits I will add a video of the mod.
High quality easy to follow PDF instructions are included with the mod and are sent to you via e-mail after payment is made.
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Relay Bypass Module (RMB) True Bypass Mod NEW!
What's in the True Bypass Mod
I have continually been asked if I had a mod to add True Bypass to the pedals I offer mods for. Well, here it is! You can now add True Bypass to your pedals. True Bypass pcb Circuit is 1" x 1" Square or 26mm x26mm.
Kit includes True Bypass pcb Module, 1" x 1" Double-Sided Tape, Solder, Desoldering Braid, Heat-Shrink Tubing, Decal and Easy to Follow High Rez PDF Instructions.
PLEASE READ! At the moment I have Generic Instructions and several others that are listed in the Paypal Drop-Down menu to the right, but I am working on others and will make them available as I get them completed. If you need instructions for a particular pedal contact me and I may be able to help you.
Generic Instructions I have Generic Instructions available in the Paypal Drop-Down menu for those that are more familiar with circuits and feel comfotable applying them to your pedal. In the Generic Instructions I include instructions for a Boss pedal as an example to help you with your particular pedal.
Pedal Type
Pedal Type
Pedal Mods Boss Keeley Analogman Guitar Shield Copper Shield eNut Pedal Mod Parts OD-308 Proco MXR Best Pedal Mods Strat Shield Tele Shield How to Mod Pedals Monte Allums Telecaster Stratocaster
SD-1 DS-1 TR-2 RAT MT-2 CS-3 OD-3 TS-9 TS-808 TS-7 TS-5 Boss Ibanez